Chapter 24

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"R-really?" I smiled at him and nodded my head getting some studying material's out of my bag.

"Of course I'll help" Kami blushed and looked away 'OMG he is so cute when he blushes.

The rest of the lesson I was helping Kami with the things he most struggles with, I think he might have dyslexia.

I kept noticing Kiri and Kachan looking over at us but I just stuck my tongue out at them causing them both to laugh.

______________ Time skip to lunch ______________

Kachan and I are eating our lunch on the roof waiting for Kiri and Kami when he looks at me and sighs.

"Baby? Are you ok?" I put my lunch down to look at him properly "Yeah, it's just that we need to talk" he looked very serious so I know this isn't a joke.

"S-sure about w-what?" I tried not to stutter but I'm worried that maybe I did something wrong.

Or maybe he's mad about me being so close with Kami? Or because I said about kissing Kiri? What if he wants to break up with me?

"Oi, I can see you over thinking, it's just about this thing between us Kirishima and Kaminari" I sighed in relief.

"Yeah I wanted to talk about that too" I sat myself in front of him between his legs with my legs draped around his waist.

"Well I know we're both clearly attracted to them and we all tease each other and shit but......How do you feel about them really?" I looked up at the sky and thought for a minute trying to think of how to answer.

I looked back at Kachan and sighed "Honestly I'm confused" he looked a little taken aback but he put his hands on my waist rubbing circles on my skin.

It always calms me down having his skin on mine knowing he is there for me.

"Its ok love, you can tell me. Take your time." I smiled at him and nodded "I've been in love with you since forever Kachan......I never thought of anyone else as a potential lover.

When I met Kiri and Kami it felt like I found amazing friends but......I like it when we all hang out together and joke around...I like how close you are with them.

I like it when we all tease each other. I don't get it because I feel the same way I feel about you for them, its confusing"

I didn't notice I was crying until Kachan wiped them away with his thumbs and put his head against mine looking into my eyes.

"Don't cry I feel the same way, it's confusing because we only ever thought about finally being together. I love you Izuku and I would never leave you.

How would you feel if we spoke to them about being together all four of us?" I wiped my tears and kissed him on the lips.

"Can we wait until after the double date? I want to try spending time with them all of us and then one on one"

"Yeah that's a good idea" Kachan smiled at me and gently kissed me "I love you Kachan"

"I love you too dork" he chuckled and I punched his shoulder playfully "I'm not a dork just because I'm smart"

He burst out laughing "your so cute when you pout, love" I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. Soon enough Kiri and Kami joined us and we all talked and ate our food together.


For the rest of the week Zuku had been helping me study, he's been really patient and understanding with me.

We would study through out the school day and then during lunch we would eat with Kiri and Kat.

Kat said we could give him a petname since we all have nicknames except him, Besides the one Zuku has for him. He also doesn't call us nicknames anymore.

After school we all hang out and study together, it's been really fun and we all end up sleeping in the same room cuddled up to each other.

Zuku and I have the perfect date planned for this Saturday and I can't wait, Me and Zuku have been really exited planning together.

I've also been thinking about all of us, I know we all spend most of our time together and we tease each other all the time.

I've been having strange feelings towards Kat and Zuku, it's like when I first had a crush on Kiri but I still love Kiri so I don't understand.

I'm going to talk to Kiri today at lunch since our date is tomorrow, I want to tell him how I've been feeling.

I told Kiri to meet me behind the school where he asked me to be his boyfriend.

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