Chapter 17

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We're currently outside a rusty looking building that is supposed to be where the L.O.V base is. I knocked the door preparing to use my quirk, When the door is slowly swung open.
There, right in front of me at the door stood Tomura Shigaraki wearing a quirk cancellation bracelet "Come in" he said in a raspy voice.
I walk in cautiously followed by Allmight, Endeavour, Hawks and a bunch of other Pros and officers.
"What is the meaning of this? Why did you let Izuku go? And why give yourself up now?" I had to know.
I needed to understand how the most wanted criminals just stopped killing and then gave themselves up out of nowhere.
They started telling us about how they weren't supposed to take Izuku but that he was so innocent and pure they wanted to keep him around.
They grew close to him and slowly let go of the hatred they held for the hero's, that they began to feel guilty for taking away Izuku's freedom.
They told us how they want to pay for their crimes and one day support Izuku as a great underground hero.
"It might be hard to believe but..... I love Izuku, he's my little brother. I didn't mean to take away his life, that's why we sent him back" I could see the pain in Shigaraki's eyes.
"That was the room we kept him in, all his paintings and stuffies that he made are in there" Shigaraki pointed to a door in the left corner
The two men were being escorted out when Allmight stopped them "Where’s All for one?" Oh right we almost forgot the 'Master'
"He's gone, he stopped being a villain and left to start a new life, Izuku never met him but we all cared about him even All For One"
When the pro hero's turned the light on in the room Izuku stayed in we all gasped, it was covered head to toe in hero things.
"Holy shit, its me" Hawks yelled holding up a painting of himself.
"Wow I didn't think anyone liked me" Endeavour said tracing his fingers along a life size painting of himself on the wall.
"THERES NOTHING OF ME?" Allmight screamed sadly.
"Haha I like this kid" Endeavour smirked at Allmight who glared back at him, we packed up all his things and got back to U.A.
I was followed by Allmight, Endeavour and Hawks all wanting to speak to Izuku. He was called to my office, now all I had to do was wait. I should tell him about his family too.
Kachan and I are currently laying on his bed in the middle of having a hot make out session.
My arms were pinned above my head with my legs wrapped around his waist pulling him closer.
Then I'm called to Aizawa's office. Kachan grumbled and climbed of me "calm down baby. We can continue when I get back" I grinned at him fixing my hair.
"I'll come with you, I need to punch Aizawa for interrupting anyway" he got off the bed and smacked my butt.
"Ack Kachan don't do that" I pushed his shoulder slightly while trying not to blush. He wrapped his arms around me from behind.
"What? I can't help it your butt looks so tasty" he nibbled my neck causing me to giggle.
I pulled away and left the room with his hand in mine "lets just see what he wants then we can have some fun"
He rolled his eyes at me and said a bunch of curse words under his breath.
As we made our way to Aizawa's door Kachan slammed it open with his face red in anger "THE FUCK DYA WANT YOU SLEEPY CAT" I sighed before going in too.
When I walked in the first thing I noticed was Endeavour and Hawks stood next to Aizawa's desk, I blushed a dark red at seeing all my favourite hero’s.
"OMG why are Endeavour and Hawks here? I'm gonna die of excitement" I was practically vibrating.
"Hey kid I saw your drawing of me, they were so cool" Hawks ran to me happy.
"Really? I can't believe you liked it. Your one of my favourite hero’s. Can I touch your wings please?"
"Yeah go ahead, I'll sign the painting too if you want"
"GHYAAA I'm too exited right now" Hawks laughed and let me touch his wings, they were really soft.
"Yeah the paintings are good I guess" Endeavour said looking away.
"Pffff you don't have to act nice, I'm used to rude people. Right Kachan?" I winked at Kachan who went bright red. "I’m not rude Izu"
"Thank god, but the picture's were really detailed. Most people don't get all my costume details correct" I almost went on another rant but a cough interrupted.
I turned to the source and spotted Allmight "oh Allmight were you here the whole time?" Everyone started laughing while Allmight stormed out.
"Jeez talk about a big ego am I right?" I said laughing, "Bakugou why are you in such a grump?" Aizawa questioned.
855 words

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