Chapter 29

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Zuku and I were waiting for Kami and Kat to catch up to us after we bought our tickets for the amusement park, I was smiling at Zuku as he looked around in excitement.

"Do you like amusement parks?" Zuku stopped and looked at me while thinking, he is so cute when he is thinking especially when he sticks his tongue out a little.

God how much I would love to suck on his tongue and turn him into a panting, moaning mess. No stop, bad Kiri, stop thinking dirty thoughts.

"Well I've never been before but they seem like a lot of fun" I smiled sadly at him, he must have missed out on a lot of things like this.

"Well we'll have to make sure you try everything here at least once then" he smiled brightly at me and squealed jumping around.

I started laughing at him and then he started laughing too, Kat and Kami arrived soon after that holding hands.

We all had a lot of fun, Zuku got his face in a mess when we bought ice cream but Kami wiped his face with a napkin. It was cute to watch them together.

We all took turns sitting next to each other on the roller coasters, Whenever Zuku was sitting next to me he was holding my hand for dear life.

There was a massive pool as well, so we all changed into our swimming trunks that Kami had prepared before hand.

We all jumped into the pool except Zuku, he was stood a little bit from the edge fiddling with his fingers and looking at the ground.

I looked over at Kat who looked at me just as confused "What's wrong love?" Kat asked swimming over to the edge of the pool.

Zuku mumbled something we couldn't make out "We couldn't hear you, Don't worry we're here for you" I swam next to Kat along with Kami.

Zuku looked away from the ground and at us he looked like he was about to cry " don't to um........swim"

I internally face palmed, of course he doesn't know how to swim "Hey it's ok, just hold on to one of us at all times ok?" Kami smiled at him.

Zuku nodded and slowly sat down on the edge of the pool with his legs dangling in the water "So who should help him in?" I asked looking at Kat.

"You can help him, Kami and I are going to play Marco Polo" Kat said pulling Kami away, I could hear Kami saying how much he loves that game as they got further away.

I placed myself between Zuku's legs and put my hands on his thighs 'pure thoughts Kirishima' "Ok Zuku I want you to put your hands on my shoulders Ok?"

He looked hesitant but nodded his head and placed his hands on my shoulders "N-now what?" he looked at me with his beautiful green eyes.

"I'll carefully pull you in, just keep hold of my shoulders and you'll be fine. I promise" He smiled at me and I moved my hands to his hips.

I slowly pulled him into the water while he gripped my shoulders, When he was in he wrapped his legs around my waist and kept his hands firmly on my shoulders.

"Is this ok?" I looked into his eyes that were filled with worry and pulled him closer holding his thighs tight so that he wouldn't fall.

"Its fine, as long as you feel ok" I rubbed circles on his thighs to reassure him, he smiled at me and buried his head into the crook of my neck.

"Thank you Kiri" I shivered as his warm breath hit my neck and gripped his thighs so hard they would probably bruise.

"What's wrong Kiri? Did I do something?" he said in a innocent voice, I was about to answer him when I felt his tongue slide from the base of my neck slowly to my ear.

He nibbled and sucked on my ear lobe causing me to growl under my breath "Fuck, Don't do that" he pulled away to look me in the face.

He looked just as flushed as I felt and smiled at me "Sorry, I couldn't help it" I rolled my eyes playfully at him and grinned.

"your playing a dangerous game Izu" I slowly moved my hands from his mid thigh to just under his butt and squeezed.

"Aahh Kiri" he breathed out, I smiled Victoriously and felt his fingers dig into my shoulder it didn't hurt since I unconsciously used my quirk.

He was still blushing when Kat and Kami had made their way back to where we were "Zuku what happened? Your so red" Kami asked stroking Zuku's hand.
"Oh just Zuku biting off more than he can chew" I answered grinning at them, Kat tried not to laugh while Kami just looked confused.

"Ok lets go somewhere else" Zuku squealed trying not to show his embarrassment, I helped him out of the pool and we all went to change.

It was funny watching Zuku try not to blush when I would catch his gaze, Kat was snickering to himself and Kami was asking us what we should do next.

This date is turning out to be a lot of fun.

897 words

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