Chapter 15

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Ok I'm freaking out right now, Kirishima texted me and told me to meet him behind the school. Now here I am leaning on the wall playing with the hem of my sleeve trying to stop shaking.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I see Kirishima walking towards me with a really red face, what is going on?
"W-what is it?" I asked trying and failing to sound calm, he looked at me in the eyes scratching the back of his neck.
"So I know that we.... haven’t been on a date or anything but......I like you Kaminari.
I like you a lot, I was confused at first.... but I know that this feeling is liking you. So I wanted to know... will you.... be my boyfriend?"
I was just stood there processing what he had said, I mean my crush just asked me out. My CRUSH....... oh my god he asked me out.
I’m pretty sure my face poofed red just now. I was pulled out of my day dreaming when I noticed I hadn't said anything and Kirishima was looking very worried.
"Oh my god yes, I will be your boyfriend" I jumped and hugged him, my hands on his neck and his hands around my waist.
"Thank god, I was worried for a second there haha" we pulled away from our hug smiling.
My crush just became my boyfriend "I have to tell Zuku" Kirishima smirked at me "Or.... you can give your new boyfriend a kiss?"
I blushed tomato red as he pulled me closer to him his face inches from mine, he looked into my eyes for permission and I nodded quickly.
He smiled and guided my hands to his neck, he then pulled my waist so that we were pressed against each other.
When we kissed it was incredible, it was everything i thought it would be. He slid his tongue in my mouth causing me to hum in delight.
My fingers pulled his spiked up hair making him groan in my mouth. We pulled away red faced and panting, we were both smiling from ear to ear.
Kachan and I are cuddling in my room watching TV, after school ended we rushed back to spend some time together.
There was a knock at the door and Kachan groaned while I giggled and booped his nose "be nice" he rolled his eyes getting off my bed.
He opened the door with his grumpy face "The fuc- Shitty Hair, Dunce Face?" He opened the door allowing them to come in.
I jumped up and hugged them both "Hey guys, what can we do for you?" I motioned for them to sit on the bed.
Kachan and I sat next to each other resting our backs on the head board while Kami and Kiri sat opposite us leaning on the wall.
Kami almost shouted when he spoke "Kiri's my boyfriend" I gasped and jumped at him hugging him "I'm so happy for you guys, Kachan's my boyfriend now too"
Kachan gave Kiri a quick hug and fist bumped Kami, he was so cute. "So...did you guys kiss?" I asked wriggling my eyebrows.
They both went bright red "Y-yes" Kami squeaked. I smirked at them and then winked at Kachan "So Kiri, who's a better kisser? Kami or Kachan?"
Kami looked shocked while Kiri was stumbling over his words trying to explain. I giggled and told Kami all about Kiri being confused and me telling them to kiss.
"Wow I kinda want to see it haha" Kami said I nodded while Kachan and Kiri looked confused why we would want to see our boyfriend's making out with each other.
"Yeah, it was really hot I'm not gonna lie" I said as I slid my hand over Kachan’s chest.
"How is me and Bakubro making out hot? I don’t get it" Kiri shook his head. "I don’t get it either man" Kachan agreed. I looked at Kami having an amazing idea.
I made my way over to Kami and sat in his lap all three boys watching closely, I pulled Kami's face close to mine eyeing Kachan and Kiri.
"So you don't want to watch as Kami and I kiss right in front of you? You don't want to see me sucking on his tongue? Or watch as he nibbles at my bottom lip"
Kami caught on to what I was doing and smiled leaning closer to me stroking my inner thigh.
We watched our boyfriends go bright red as they imagined how hot the scene would be. They both growled in frustration wanting to watch us make out.
"Fuck, just do it" Kachan and Kiri both said at the same time, Kami and I smiled at our victory and decided to give them a show.
808 words

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