Chapter 31

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After Kat and Izu left Kami and I got some lunch and ate our food peacefully until Kami asked me a question.

"So why was Zuku so red earlier?" my eyes went wide as I looked at him bright red, I swallowed the food I was chewing and turned to look at him.

"Well....he hugged me and Thanked me for helping him into the pool, his breath hit my neck" I saw Kami go red and then smirk at me.

He knows how sensitive my neck is "Anyway he licked my neck after and I kinda grabbed him just under his butt and nearly made him moan"

Kami stared at me and then started laughing, I glared at him and he stopped laughing instantly "Sorry but wow"

"Yeah" I looked down at my lap a little concerned, Kami noticed my change in mood so he slid his hand into mine "What's wrong baby?"

I sighed and ran my other hand down my face "It's hard to tell if they are teasing us because its fun or if they are flirting because they like us"

Kami gave me a warm smile and kissed my cheek "Don't worry I think they like us, Kat called me by my nickname earlier and he even played a childish game with me because he knew I like it"

I pondered what he said for a moment and smiled "Yeah I think they like us too, actually it kinda feels like we're on a first date with them haha"

Kami laughed with me and then had a look of realization on his face "Wait...what if that's what this is?"

I raised and eyebrow at him confused "I mean what if the reason we split up so much and took turns sitting with each other is because they want to know what it would feel like if we all dated"

I thought about how Kat and Izu had been acting and looked at Kami surprised "That......actually makes a lot of sense"

Kami smiled proudly at himself "but what if they kiss one of us? That's a date thing right?" I smiled at my Kami thinking about how cute he is.

"Do you want to kiss any of them?" Kami looked at me surprised and then blushed with a small smile on his face.

"Of course I do" he hid his face in his hands trying to hide his embarrassment, I pulled his hands away from his face and placed a small kiss on his lips.

"You're so cute, if one of them tries to kiss you then you should kiss back. Do you mind if I kiss one of them?" Kami looked shocked but smiled at me.

"I don't mind, I would be happy if they kissed us. Then we would know they like us" he started fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"You know we don't have to wait for them to make a move, we could kiss them and see how they react" he smiled and cuddled up to me.

"You know I'm bad at initiating that kind of thing, I would be so nervous" I chuckled and kissed his head running my hands through his hair.

"You've kissed me plenty of times babe, you could do it if you really wanted to" he looked up at me pouting and I pinched his cheek gently.

"No pouting allowed" he giggled at me and pushed my hand away I smiled brightly at him and pulled him back in for a hug.

"I'll just see how thing's go and maybe kiss one of them if I have the courage" he said sliding his hand up and down my arm.

"Well if we're right and they are trying to spend time with each of us then I think you and Kat will be together while I'll be with Izu"

He looked at me with his head tilted "Why do you think that?" he asked in a confused tone.

"Izu and I haven't really spent much time alone together the same with you and Kat. So it makes sense to try and get to know each other one on one"

Kami made a cute 'O' face and nodded his head in agreement "That makes sense, I hope I'll be able to kiss Kat then"

"Wanna practice?" I asked biting my lip, Kami looked at me blushing and said yes under his breath. I smiled at him and pulled him onto my lap.

"You'll have to initiate it if you want it" I smirked at him as he licked his lips, he put his hands around my neck and slowly leaned in.

He kissed me slowly and gently as he ran his hands through my hair, I let him lead the kiss so that he would have more confidence for if he tries to kiss one of the boys.

I felt his tongue slide across my bottom lip asking for entrance so I opened my mouth.

He thrust his tongue into my mouth deepening the kiss and turning it into a much more heated kiss than before.

I groaned into his mouth when he nibbled my lip as he pulled away "Fuck babe, for someone who says he's shy you sure are a good kisser"

Kami blushed and wiped the saliva off his lips and climbed off me "Your a good kisser too baby, lets go meet the others now"

I smiled and held his waist from behind while we walked, when we met with the others.

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