Chapter 23: Wandering again

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------------Drake island... October 1st------------

It's already been three months since I left Konoha. I wonder how everyone is doing? Hopefully they're doing fine.
"Naruto! Focus! Your Rasengan won't be able to hold if you make it so big!" Harmony yelled. Oh shit! The ball of chakra diminished as I snapped out of my trance. "Again!" I held my hand out, I focused the chakra in my palm, formed it into a ball, compressed the chakra as I let it spin. Harmony manipulated the earth to create a wall. I thrust the ball of chakra into the wall. The result was a lot better than expected. Even though my chakra reserves are completely depleted, I managed to destroy the wall into dust.
"Amazing work Naruto, take a break now. We'll continue with that death style when we've eaten", Harmony sounded happy. "You're able to do jutsu from the five basic elements, you can also do crystal style, lava style and boil style. You are still having trouble with wood style if I remember correctly?"
"Wood style: comfy chair", I sighed. All that I could create was either a box, ball or a failed figure when it came to wood style. As I thought the chair I had imagined was just a long square wood piece. I tried lying down on it. It was so hard and uncomfortable that it ached.

------------Land of Snow... October 2nd------------

Harmony rested on top of my shoulder. I guess he must be tired of flying through this snowstorm. Don't blame him, it's getting me worn out as well.
"Harmony where was it we were going now again?" I sighed. My feet were dragging through the thick snow. "Damn it's so cold I can't produce any flames".
"We should stop here. I can't feel any earth and it's to cold for both fire and water", Harmony said triumphantly. I waved my hands around. Only a puff of smoke was created from the tips of my fingers. Harmony covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing.
"Dammit, this is so annoying", I growled. "If I stay here to long I'm going to get a cold".
"You are part of a dragon family. There is no way this cold is going to affect you", Harmony grinned. "Hehe, if you can't even produce wind, you will never be able to become a true member of our family". What is he trying to do accomplish? I hit the air with an open palm. Nothing but smoke again.
"You have until tomorrow... After that we will be practicing lightning", Harmony growled. "Better get hurrying. Wake me up when the day is over". Seriously sometimes that guy can really piss me off. Harmony walked around in circles before pressing the snow down. The small pit he had made looked similar to the Rasengan that I was able to create yesterday. Harmony had his left eye open, he had a faint smile on his face.
"Alright!" I exclaimed.

------------Border of the Land of Fire... October 4th------------

"Nothing beats a bath at a hot spring after a long day", I took a deep breath. When I exhaled smoke escaped out of my nostrils. Harmony flew onto my head. He used my head as a diving board. Harmony just floated around in the warm water. A ray of water blasted my face. Harmony chuckled. I could hear footsteps coming from the entrance of the hot spring. Two people I suspect, both male, age at least thirteen years of age, shinobi.
"Naruto those two smell the same as you did when we first met", Harmony whispered. "Be careful one of them smells like a dog. I recommend we get out incase they find out about our family".
"Take it easy Harmony, hide behind me and it should all be fine", I grinned. The two ninja got into the hot water. At last I could hear their voices.
"Kiba, are you sure you're allowed to bring Akamaru in here?" a very familiar voice asked worryingly.
"Ah don't worry, no one will find out", the other boy, 'Kiba' presumably, answered with a chuckle. Those voices... It can't be..? Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame.
"Harmony", I whispered. "I need you to give me some cover". He floated towards Kiba and Shino.
"Yo, children! Can I interest you in some really hot water?" Harmony asked as he shot fire out of his mouth. Steam blinded their eyes and hopefully their other senses as well. I rushed out of the water.

------------Drake Island... October 10th...------------

One year and three months since I left Konoha. I wonder how everyone is doing? Hopefully they are doing fine. Although I don't know why I'm wondering about them in the first place, they never worried about me anyway. The great elder dragon sat in her throne. I was dressed in their traditional garments. Well these clothes I was wearing were specially made for me. Dragonhide trousers and a short dragonhide kilt, (similar to what Sasuke wears in the shippuden anime but without the big rope tying the clothes together). The kilt actually had a special purpose, it was made to hide the chakra of the beast living inside of me. The scroll had told me about it. It wasn't something that I was supposed to unlock.

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