Chapter 4: Where am I?

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I woke up in a strange place, it was a small room with white walls. There was a white curtain to my left and the window to my right was open. The wind blew and blond hair was in my face. An arm was wrapped around me. The bed was seriously uncomfortable. I turned around and faced him. Naruto was sleeping so quietly, he looked so cute. Well except the scar that made him look ruthless. I tried to sit up, Naruto's arm just got in the way. Almost by instinct I tried moving his arm. The arm just pushed me down harder.

"Mornin' sweet pea!" he whispered. "Did you sleep well Hinata?"

"N-N-Naruto, did I wake you up?"

"My arm woke me up", he smiled. "How are feeling?"

"I don't know. I feel weird".

"In what way?"

"My stomach hurts like crazy".

"Not surprising. You got stabbed 13 times. If I hadn't been there you would have been dead".

"What?" I sat up fast. My stomach hurt even more.

"Try not to move to much".

"Yes sir!" I saluted.

"What's with the salute all of a sudden?"

"No reason, no reason".

"Why n...". I put my finger to his lips, making him quiet.

"A man shouldn't question his wife", I kissed his forehead. He smiled intensively, he had tears in his eyes.

"Did I hear what I though I heard?"

"No, you're just imagining things", I said sarcastically as I kissed him. He was shocked.

"That was unexpected", he said.

"Is that all you have to say?"

"No, but why say something when I can do this?" he kissed me multiple times.

"Mother, you're awake!" Yikaru exclaimed.

"HIya", Naruto smiled. Yikaru jumped up on the bed and curled in between Naruto and I. Akane shut the door, she wasn't as happy as Yikaru. She pulled a chair out and sat down.

"Akane, there's room for one for", Naruto moved over to the side, Akane stood still for a moment. She slowly walked over to the bed and got up lifted up by Naruto's weird jutsu. Her body was carefully placed on the bed. Naruto put his arm around Akane. He must really want to tell her about his life. She didn't look at him, not even once.

"No fair, I want to lie down next to dad!" Yikaru said grumpily.

"You get to spend time with me all of the time", Naruto laughed.


"Stop complaining". Naruto lost balance and fell off the bed. "Awawawaw"

Akane and Yikaru were laughing, Naruto couldn't help but do the same. Akane stopped laughing.


"Where am I?", Akane said.

"You're in my Genjutsu, don't worry you are safe".

"Why did you bring me here?"

"To show you".

"Show me what?"

Images of Naruto's childhood, from the day he was six years old up to his disappearance. Everything was going really fast. The images did slow down a few times, showing her important information. The battle against Pein. Akane's mother had told her a lot about that fight. How the fifth Hokage in his younger days defeated Pein and revived all of the villagers. The images sped up again. Past the Hokage's election and Naruto's and Hinata's wedding day. Until the images went at a normal speed. The fifth Hokage versus Madara Uchiha. It ended after hours. With Naruto sealing a shadow clone inside blue crystal. The images stopped and Naruto broke the Genjutsu.

The path will lead me (Sequel to Back in time)Where stories live. Discover now