Chapter 26: Familiar yet not

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------------Land of Whirlpools... September 21st------------

There has to be a safe place to hide my blade here in Uzushiogakure. I could feel several chakras following me. If I would engage in a fight, I would probably lose. My body is no condition to be fighting. A sudden kick sent me through a wall. My body is going to break if I take another hit like that. The wall caved in on me. That gave me an idea. I left the blade containing the two tailed cat beside me. Someone picked me up.
"You never learn do you?" a very familiar voice said in a serious tone. He covered my eyes. The smell and sounds of the landscape had changed. It smelled like wet rock and the raging wind had died down. I felt a vibration as clear as day. Hinata! I sat up. Moving any further was impossible. My wounds were too great. The pain was impeding my movement.
"Younger me, lay still for just a minute", the mysterious blond ordered. "Death style: healing water". Wait that's..? That's my jutsu! My wounds were reversing, healing themselves. Could he be the person who wrote that scroll? I took it out of my pouch.

"I'll be returning this", I smiled faintly. "After all it is your scroll". He didn't hesitate to take it. Without opening the scroll, he opened seals. Weapons, bandaid, black gloves and a forehead protecter appeared from the smoke. He removed his shirt. While he picked up the Konoha forehead protecter from the ground, all of the other equipment hovered into place. The bandaid wrapped itself around his torso, covering everything from his chest to below his bellybutton. All of my wounds had completely healed and my strength had almost fully recovered. A weird giant weapon had placed itself on his back. It had the form of two circles, the smaller circle connected the bigger circle and the handle. A chain was attached to the handle of the weird tool. The black fingerless gloves finished just before his elbows. Weird contraptions locked itself on to his arms.
"Uchiha Madara's Gunbai", he said to himself. "Fire-resistant fingerless gloves, special designed kunai of my own creation and finally extendable wrist blades... Right I've got everything. I'll go on ahead".
"What's your name?" I asked quickly.
"Namikaze Raiden!" he exclaimed. Raiden, as in god spirit? He ran out of the cave at blinding speed. Idiot, you forgot your scroll.

The same vibration from before repeated itself. This time I won't ignore the plea. I grabbed the scroll. A miniature shockwave was created when I disappeared and when I reappeared. I grasped the three-pronged kunai before it hit a tree. Kakashi's eye smiled at me. I looked around. Where was the enemy? I couldn't sense anything hostile. My mind wasn't off guard, although I acted as if I was off guard. Kakashi leant up against a tree outside a big red dome.
"Everyone is trapped in there..." Kakashi exhaled in pain. "Hinata threw the kunai to call for your aid, it was already too late by then. I got her kunai here..." Kakashi handed it to me. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me.
"Yo Naruto-imouto! Hold this for me!" a figure ordered. The figure threw this big weapon at me. I instantly knew who the figure was and what he threw. Only his hair had changed colour, instead of yellow it was now a silvery grey colour. He walked as close to the red dome as he could before striking it with his left foot. The dome shattered into pieces, not just where he was standing but all of the dome. Kakashi and I had never seen anything like it before. The strength of this man was frightening. That explains why he could carry this Gunbai with ease.

"Naruto-otouto help your friends, I'll take care of the Isobu and possibly Orochimaru if the situation calls for it", Raiden cooly said. "For now..." The his weapon was pulled out of my hand by an unknown force. He grabbed it. Once the weapon had touched his hand, the silvery haired man vanished in a flash. I wondered for a while why he called me imouto. Then it hit me... Earlier he had called me 'Younger me'. That bastard! If he truly is who he claims to be... Then he must know what will happen. But why he kept that from me is unclear.
"I hear ya, 'aniki", I grinned. "Stay here Kakashi, I'll finish this up in a flash!" As I ran towards my friends I heard Kakashi whisper something.
"That kid is so like his father and mother it's scary". Naruto smirked. You have no idea...

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