Chapter 2: I'm home

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I knocked on the door to my house. A girl around the age of 14 opened the door. Her hair was as yellow and golden as mine and her eyes looked like mine. She had three scar like marks on each side of her cheeks. She looked at me with confusion.

"Do I know you?" she asked

"Probably not", I answered.

"Mira, who is at the door?" that sounded a lot like...

"It's some weirdo", she said. The person came walking to the door.

"Yes who is i....t? N-N-Naruto-Sensei?" he asked. My eyes widened.

"KONOHAMARU!" I yelled with glee. "What are you doing here?"

"Well you see, Haruka is my wife". He smiled. "We couldn't find another house so your parents let us have the house as a wedding gift".

"So... She found a guide at last". I had tears of joy in my eyes.

"Please, do come in", he stepped aside and I walked in.

"So it's nobody I know", Mira muttered. "Why does he have scars in his face? And that thing on his back?"

"Go ask him".

"Um, Naruto? The scars on your face, where did you get them? And that huge thing on your back?"

"These scars I got from Madara Uchiha when I fought him 13 years ago, this Gunbai is the prize I got from that day". I took it off my back and placed it on the table. The armor was a pain to take off, but eventually it came off. The door to my room opened smoothly, and I walked in. For 13 years I had not seen this room. But it was intact, completely left alone. I flunked everything down on the bed. I walked out humming. I sat down at the table and looked through the wooden cupboards with my eyes. I spotted a red apple in the far right cupboard on the bottom shelf. I looked at the apple and it started hovering. I opened the cupboard with my eye's power. My blade extended out of the mechanism. The apple was spinning in the air. I gentle pressed the blade against it. The skin was peeling smoothly off of the apple.

"What Jutsu is that?" Mira asked curiously.

"It's a visual jutsu". The apple fell into my hand. I took a bite. "Delicious".

I washed the blade, then dried it of and retracted it.

"I'm back!" Joshuka exclaimed.

"Back so soon?" Konohamaru laughed.

"Yeah this man escorted us here".

"Hello Joshuka".

"Shit! Don't scare me like that!"

"Hehe sorry. I'm used to greeting everyone that comes through the door", I smiled.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"I live here, or used to".

"You used to live here, if you ever did. We kind of don't have enough rooms, so you'll have to find somewhere else to rest".

"I'll sleep in this house. In a room only I know of". I teleported into my room and packed my things. My cloak was sticking out of the bag. I grabbed it and put it on. It fit perfectly, my arms slid through the holes. The cloak had enough for the Gunbai's chain to glide through, the chain perfectly slotted on to my belt. All of my things were supposed to be moved to this room. I hadn't seen it in a while so teleporting was not an option. I walked out of the room and walked into the living room. The 12th, 13th and 14th plank from the left. I tapped the wooden planks with my feet. They slowly opened. I dumped my bag and armor down and carefully looked at the room, it was in my memory now. I would be able to teleport back.

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