Chapter 10: A bit of fun

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Only three months left until the Chunin exams. I wonder if my students are prepared for it? I know Nana is well prepared. I bet even dad will be surprised by her abilities. Yikaru's eyes are the same as mine, I should be able to train him easily. Asuta on the other hand is a different thing. He hasn't awakened the Sharingan yet, he is aggressive and hasn't got a driving force of any kind or so it seems. He's the only one without any special abilities, yet.

"Hello Naruto!" a familiar voice spoke

"Sora. How are you?" I smiled with glee.

"I'm fine. My son is also alive and well".

"That's nice to hear. Did you want anything special?"

"Well my son wants to join the ninja academy. But I don't know where to apply him".

"Go to my father, the fourth Hokage. He'll help you". I called forth a shadow clone and he lead her to my father. I better go find my three students. To my surprise Yikaru and Asuta were looking for me.

"Sensei, have you seen Nanami? We can't find her", Asuta asked worringly.

"Have you gone to her house?" I sighed.


"Well there you are then. Let's go".

I knocked on Nana's door.

"Nanami are you in there? We have a mission", I lied. The door jolted open. Nana was standing there being very excited. She only had a towel on.

"So when do we leave?" she asked.

"Finally. So Yikaru and I have a question to ask you... Do you want to train with us?"

"That's a great idea! I was going to get you three for training anyway", I said walking through the door. "You two wait here while Nana get's dressed". Nanami blushed and turned around.

"What!! Nanami blushed!" Asuta's and Yikaru's eyes widened. They started laughing. The door was slammed right in their faces. I put my hands in the air.

"I haven't done anything".

"I didn't say you did", she smiled at me. "Could you hold the towel up. I don't want Yikaru and Asuta peaking". I focused on the white towel. It hovered in front of her. She had a bikini on her. Yikaru and Asuta were looking through the window. They could only see her feet though, judging by their angle of sight.

"They're looking at you, just so you know", I grinned.

"Who cares at the moment. Let them watch. Anyway, how warm is it outside?"

"Very hot. That's why I brought with me a spare set of clothes. Which reminds me, I'm going to go change".

I changed into marine blue shorts and a thin white t-shirt. When I got out of the bathroom, Nana was wearing a white skirt like thing and a bikini. The towel was still floating behind her.

"Those two suckers won't know what hit them", I winked at her.

"Where are we going to train?" she asked me.

"Wherever you want to".

"Somewhere that has water. So we can swim and so I can get my revenge at those two", she pointed at the window.

"I know just the place".

"Yikaru, Asuta grab my arms. We are going to go improve your skills". They all latched on and we teleported to a wide river.

"Um, Sensei what are we doing here?"

"We are going to have fun", I took my t-shirt off and got in the water.

The path will lead me (Sequel to Back in time)Where stories live. Discover now