Chapter 16: Training

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The following week was interesting. As I thought Itachi joined the Akatsuki. Jiraiya and Tsunade settled down in the village. Loads of people had thought that Naruko was behind the Uchiha massacre, thinking she had let Kurama kill them. That made me mad. They are so paranoid these people. Naruko's training with Kakashi and Jiraiya was slowly progressing. When she was training with me, that was completely different. Instead of teaching her offensive Jutsu's I taught her defensive and protective ones. Like the ability to dodge attacks as if it were nothing. Though she was slowly getting the hang of things, she had far to go. She had a couple of months left until she would become a Genin. Tsunade had insisted on teaching her medical ninjutsu as well. The four of us decided she would first have two weeks with Tsunade, then four weeks with Kakashi and Jiraiya, then the last two weeks I would train her. I of course would be watching her as much as I could.

"What's the point of this training?" Naruko asked impatiently.

"To improve your overall ninja abilities", Jiraiya smiled.

"Why is Naruto's training going to be last?" she asked. The other three didn't know.

"What I'm going to put you through will exhaust you more than the other three will. My training could possibly kill you. Your stamina and determination is off the charts, that's why this training method can only work for you", I replied. "But if everything goes to plan, you will have surpassed my son". Her eyes lit up with excitement.

"Seriously? It's going to be that intense?" Tsunade asked nervously.

"I am going to have to borrow that necklace of yours though. It will help contain Kurama".

"This necklace is very precious to me. I'm not giving it up that easily". I sighed. This is going to be harder than I thought.

"Let's start my training right away then!" Naruko exclaimed with extreme determination in her smile. Tsunade laughed. They began almost immediately. Tsunade went through the basics of medical ninjutsu.

"I'm interested in your training method", Jiraiya said mysteriously. "Why is it so dangerous?"

"Let's discuss that when Naruko isn't close by", I whispered. "If she knows what I'm going to put her through she will probably decline". She would definitely decline if I told her.

"Sensei!" Nanami yelled. Nana was running as fast as she could.

"Hey what's up?"

"Lord third has asked for you to come to his office", she looked nervous and panicked. I teleported to his office in a blink of an eye.

"Hiruzen, did you need anything special?" I said.

"What is this training Naruko is getting?"

"Special training".

"What kind of training?" he ordered.

"Training only she can have. Being a jinchuriki she must powerful enough to defend herself without using the power of Kurama".

"And you think this training is going to work?"

"Absolutely sir!"

"Sorry for interrupting you in her training". I bowed and teleported back to the hill where I stood right before I left. At the end of the day Naruko could start the medical ninjutsu, although she could only maintain it for a second or two.

I had been on a joint missions with the hidden sand for three weeks so far. So I didn't have any time to look at Naruko's progress. Which was really sad, but I had to accept it. This would be my 3rd joint mission with the hidden Sand. Gaara, Temari and Kankuro were with on this mission, which was weird. This was supposed to be a S rank mission. And these three are only Genin. What's going on here? I decided to ask them myself. Which might prove to be difficult.

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