Chapter 18: Leaving

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Team seven and Nanami had just left the village to go on their mission. Looks like I had some time to do some things. What was I going to do? I can go talk to Hiruzen. He's probably too busy with his Hokage things. You know what? I'm going to disturb him anyway.

"Watch out!" a man yelled. I jumped up in the air. The man was walking on his hands at a surprisingly fast pace. It's Guy. Maybe I could challenge him or something?

"Guy, you up for a challenge?" I asked him.

"Yes, I am!" He exclaimed.

"Let's have a race, first one to the top of the fourth Hokage statue wins", I smiled. He nodded.

"Ready, set, go!" we shouted as we ran straight on towards the monuments. I was falling behind him. To be honest I underestimated him. Within a minute we were on the roof of the Hokage tower. Both of us jumped. I started grinning. Just when was about to set his foot down I teleported on to the stone face.

"I win!" I smiled.

"The springtime of youth flows strong within you", he laughed. "We will have to have another challenge some day".

"Sure, I have to go to Hiruzen. Bye!" I said. In an instance I was in his office.

"Hello Hiruzen", I smiled.

"Naruto, I was just about to send someone to find you", he said with seriousness in his voice.

"Has something happened?" I asked drastically.

"I don't know why Itachi was here in Konoha and I don't know why you were with him the whole time", he said. "Ninja say that Itachi was in the village, they also said that you were with him".

"Yeah I was. Wasn't the information he gave you valuable?" I tried changing the subject.

"I just hope you aren't planning to take control over the village. Or even worse, destroy it", he looked at me in a suspicious way.

"If I wanted to destroy this village, then I would have done it already. And there is no point in controlling a village if anyone is against one".

"The village is getting suspicious. Even some of the ANBU are starting to distrust you", he said.

"What? How can that be? I am a teacher of the fourth Hokage's daughter!" I yelled. This was just disturbing.

"I don't know how long I can keep you safe inside the village", he said. I sighed deeply.

"There is no way I'm leaving this village until I know that Yikaru, Nanami and Akane are taken care of, and that Naruko will be treated with respect".

"In any case, I have to confine you to the village for now", he said calmly.

Man this sucks. I've been confined inside the village for a week now. I haven't gone outside the village gates. This is ridiculous. My own village thinks I'm a traitor. I sat down on a bench in the park. What am I going to do? If I walk outside the village, Hiruzen will put me in the bingo book. If. I stay, I'm bound to go insane. Whichever way you look at it, I'm doomed.

"What are you thinking about?" a familiar lady asked.

"Nothing, just thinking. Anything new Tsunade?" I replied.

"I heard team seven should be back today. They completed their mission quite easily", she laughed.

"That's nice to hear. But I don't think I'll get to say hi", I faked a smile. "I'm going to leave the village". Her eyes widened. She bit her lip.

"And go where exactly?" she said angrily.

"I don't know yet. I'll travel the world and try to find myself", I lied.

The path will lead me (Sequel to Back in time)Where stories live. Discover now