Chapter 27: Team Jiraiya

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------------Konohagakure... Unknown date------------

"Did you hear? The dead last of class actually passed", one of the girls behind me whispered. Yeah I know, I'm dead last in this timeline as well. But for good reason. Say a foreign kid starts at the academy, passes everything perfectly, wouldn't you agree when I say that people would get suspicious? Especially the Uchiha in this class. If I revealed my eyes true potential, they would most likely hunt me down.
"Uchiha Mikoto, Namikaze Minato, Raijin Harmony. You'll be forming team Jiraiya", the third Hokage announced in our class. "You may leave now". My eyes lit up with glee that I found out that I would be on the same team as my father... Though almost immediately died down when Mikoto gave him a death glare.
"Hokage-sama, being in the same team as Minato I can understand, but with the class clown?" Mikoto complained. I walked out of the door trying my best not to deactivate my eyes' disguise. I show wanted to show her the difference in our levels, but I had a disguise to maintain. At least until my body returned to normal. Someone blocked my path.

"Hello Rajin!" Pervy Sage chuckled.
"Yo Pervy Sage. You're our sensei right? Then let's do the test to see if we shouldn't be sent back to the academy or not", I said coldly. "It's getting boring to hold back against these guys". Mikoto glared at me with evil eyes. She was wearing simple gear, black trousers, black t-shirt with loose arms, fishnet top underneath her black t-shirt, boots instead of sandals and she wore her head band on her forehead. She was older than the rest of the academy students, my guess, fifteen. Well two years younger than me inna sense. She had raven hair tied up in a ponytail, even so it ended at her shoulder blades. Her black eyes seemed to have more warmth in them than Minato's blue eyes. Which is surprising.

We sat on a grass field. Jiraiya looked at us with a smile.
"Tell me about yourselves. What your names are, what you like and dislike, goals for the future and dreams", Jiraiya smiled. "I'll start. My name is Jiraiya, I like toads and dislike being caught doing my research". He took a look at Mikoto. "My goal for the future is to publish a book and my dream is to become a licensed author". He pointed towards Mikoto.
"I'm Uchiha Mikoto, I like training, I dislike the head of my clan for personal reasons, my goal is to be able to rule over my own life and my dream is to live my life to it's fullest", she sounded depressed at the end of her turn. Minato jumped in and started talking.
"My name is Namikaze Minato, I like Kushina-chan..." he stopped realizing what he had said. Mikoto and Uzumaki Kushina were best friends, Minato probably cursed himself. "I dislike people telling on others and revealing others secrets. I also hate when people judge one before they even get to know that person. My goal is to become the strongest ninja this village has ever seen and my dream is to become Hokage". Jiraiya pointed towards me, telling me it was my turn.

I took a deep breath. This would have to be convincing. Or this would all go to hell.
"My name is Raijin Harmony... I like fighting, training and brain twisting puzzles. I dislike, no I hate the Uchiha clan for what a certain Uchiha did. I hate when people underestimate others because they don't look strong, and when people think they know someone but it turns out they were wrong. My goals for the future is to eliminate a certain individual from the Uchiha clan. My secondary goal isn't as important as long as I complete my first goal. Even if nobody is interested in it I will share it. My second goal is for my body to return to it's former glory. My dream is to..." I stopped talking with a slight tear forming in my eye. "Is to... Let go of the past and move on". Mikoto had tensed up slightly. She was afraid. I must have accidentally given off more killing intent than what the original did when Sasuke died. Even Jiraiya tensed up. Minato sat there as if nothing had happened.

"Now then... I want to test you three individually. We'll start with Harmony", Jiraiya said, barely able to move from the killing intent I was radiating with. I stood up while the other two backed away. "Now kid, I'll go easy on you. Come at me as if you want to kill me". I removed my headband from my forehead only to tighten it around my eyes.
"Don't bother holding back", I said coldly. "If you want to stand a chance then I strongly advise you to go all out". Pervy Sage didn't hesitate, no in fact he was collecting nature chakra. I won't let him! My arm lifted up causing a pillar of rock to head straight for him. He canceled his chakra gathering. I surrounded myself in a crystal sphere. Gathering the necessary elemental energy, I watched Pervy Sage do the same. I broke my sphere. The tattoos on my back extended to all parts of my body, evening out the energy. My orange jacket was blasted away to give room for the energy. Hehe... I teleported to behind his back. Still hovering in the air, I swung my leg into a roundhouse kick. Massive purple flames shot toward his side. He didn't flinch. I knew he knew I was there. He caught my ankle.

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