Chapter 7: Rememberance (part 2)

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Shit! I'm going to be late! I grabbed my clothes and equipmemt. I'm 30 minutes late, dad's going to be pissed. I dashed out of the door. The academy was filled with students and parents. Soon it was going to be decided, which three was I supposed to train? I looked at the board in the hallway. The teams were unexpected.

Team 1, 3 and 5 interested me most. Team 1 composing of; Kuzon Inuzuka, Akira Aburame and Akane Hyuuga. Team 3 consisting of Chizun Akimichi, Mai Nara and Kaede Yamanaka. Asuta Uchiha, Yikaru Hyuuga and Nanami Aoi were going to be in my team. These three were going to be in for hell. I would train them to become the best possible team ever. It took hours and hours before something interesting happened. Finally they announced all of the teams, I had almost dozed off. Iruka was taking a long time. Longer than usual. All of the students and their Senseis had left. All but four, Asuta, Yikaru and Nanami. They were waiting impatiently for someone to pop up.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Naruto and I'm going to be your Sensei". They all bowed and smiled.

They nearly failed the test, but eventually got over their differences and passed. Asuta was always calm and got annoyed about everything Yikaru did. Nanami was just silent not really caring about much. Nanami had complete blue hair, blue eyes, slightly sun tanned and had one crescent moon symbol on each cheek. The Aoi clan had supposedly been wiped out eight years ago. It was now my job to make sure she was safe from harm.

"Maybe you should tell me a bit about yourselves. What you like, what you don't like, hobbies, interests, what you usually do on you spare time and dreams for the future", I smiled.

"You already know who I am, Asuta Uchiha, I like practicing with my dad, I don't like getting scolded by my mother, I don't have many hobbies, I'm not interested in anything special either. I usually train on my spare time".

"Nanami Aoi. I don't like anything and I hate a lot of things. Hobbies and interests, don't have them. I practice my kekkei genkai or bloodline trait on my spare time. My dream for the future is to crush the Mitushi clan, the clan who wiped out my family".

"Yikaru Hyuuga".

"Okay then, Asuta, Nanami and Yikaru let's go do something worthwhile". They followed me as I walked through the eastern gate towards the forest. An open field with hills and a river, it was a perfect place to enhance their abilities.

"Now that we have arrived, let's get started. Attack me with the intention to kill", I grinned.

"But Sensei... Will you try to kill us?" Nanami asked.

"No, if I would, you will be killed".

"Pattern Alpha 1A!", Asuta yelled. They surrounded me. Pattern Alpha 1, seriously? Were they seriously going to take me out with my own techniques?

Asuta and Yikaru threw kunai at me while Nanami ran in my direction. Oh boy, here we go again. Shall I wait to get their hopes up or shall I defeat them now? I think I'll wait to the last moment. Vibrations from the kunai went through my body. My body fell to the ground, my legs still supporting the weight. The second I got up, the kunai were in my hands. Nanami was inches away. She smells nice, she probably uses some kind of perfume. The smell turned foul. "Mangekyo Rinnegan", I whispered. The genjutsu that Nanami had cast on me was broken. All three watched in confusion. The Aoi clan is a clan that specializes in Genjutsu, they are supposed to be unbreakable according to myth. I was the first to prove it was breakable. They threw kunai and shuriken at will. Ot result. I would either dodge them or throw them back at the genin. Asuta was very talented for a genin when it came to hand to hand combat. After a long time of dodging and evading, I finally tired them out.

"What... do... you... have... in... store... for... us..?" they all panted.

"Nothing really. I want to ask you though... How did you find out about the Alpha 1A pattern?"

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