Chapter 8: Just a normal day?

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I woke up feeling awesome as usual. Going to kick som serious butt today. I got dressed and looked at the mirror. My grey shorts, black t-shirt that only covered my chest and my dark grey unzipped jacket looked as amazing as ever. My blue hair needed brushing though. But otherwise there wasn't much that had to be done. I wonder how people see me. Do they see me as a emotionless jerk, a cold-hearted ***** or do they even pay attention to me at all? I feel hopeless. Nothing is going to change if I stand in front of the mirror all day. Maybe I should try to not be so emotionless... Nah that would just creep people out. My teammates and Sensei should get to witness it though. Why am I thinking so much? *knock knock* who might that be? I was so excited.

"Hello", I said cheerfully as I opened the door.

"Hello Nanami".

"Sensei! What brings you here?"

"Oh, I was just bored. I want to know more about you", he smiled.

"Well, please do come in". I stepped aside and let him in.

"You aren't as emotionless as everyone says you are", he chuckled.

"I don't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone else".

"Hey everyone embarrasses themselves sometimes. It's natural".

"I don't have any friends either". I put my head in my arms on the dining table.

"Don't I count as a friend?" he winked at me.

"I didn't think you wanted to be my friend. Because I'm so cold-hearted".

"I understand how you feel. Your parents aren't here to take care of you. You feel as if everyone hates you. It's hard, growing up alone", he smiled. "But that's what makes you so strong. You know the pain and suffering of loneliness".

"You sure seem to know a lot about it", I forced myself to say.

"Yeah. Even though I lost my memories a few days ago, I can remember my lonely childhood. Everyone thought I was a demon, an outsider".

"I thought you had a happy childhood".

"I did... But you see. Up until I was 16 I had two different memories. One that was amazing. But the other was terrible, sad and lonely". I didn't reply. I was too busy crying.

"Hey. Nana come here. You could use a hug". He stood up and walked closer to me.

"Don't call me that! It's far too childish".

"It suits you though", he laughed. "Not just to change the subject but, do you want to go do something?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, something fun. You have any ideas?" he asked me.

"Hunt rogue ninja", I joked.

"Too dangerous. You would be killed the moment you try to attack him".

"Truth or dare?" I giggled.

"I'm always forced to do horrible things when I play that", he sighed.

"We could go see if there are any missions available".

"Are you sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be sure, Sensei?"

"Just checking".

"We have a few D-rank missions available", the fourth Hokage said.

"But dad, seriously. Nanami and I want something fun and thrilling".

"I'm not giving you anything higher just because you're my son".

"I can't believe you're only giving us the choices of D-rank missions. It's not fair, I'm the best of the best".

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