Chapter 20: Two year mission

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I took off my mask. I want him to be able to see me when we talk.

"Sasuke!" I shouted. "Why?"

"Because I need power. If I don't cut my bonds with the people in the village, I cannot accomplish true power", he said.

"Do you think cutting all ties to the village will give you strength?" I asked angrily.

"Yes, I will become powerful", Sasuke chuckled.

"You obviously don't know what true strength is..." I whispered. My body was surrounded by orange chakra.

"Is this a bond of hatred or a bond of friendship?!" I yelled. "Kurama and I are strong together because of our strong bond. I am strong because of the people that believe in me!"


"Just as I was getting to know you better, you turn your back against me and run away", I started crying. "Do you have any idea what that feels like?"

"It must hurt", he frowned.

"It feels like your world is going to cave in!" I yelled.

"I have to remove all of my connections that I have with the leaf. So I can reach my goal".

"And what will you do after you have killed Itachi?" I sobbed.

"I'll find a nice girl and marry her. Then I'll start a family with her", he smiled.

"And if she finds out that you are a rogue ninja with a thirst for blood?"

"She would probably already know", he winked at me. Was he referring to me? Does he want to marry me? Then why run away from me?

"I have to cut my bond with her to keep her from harm", he said.

"What if that torments her, tortures her, making her go to the brink of insanity?" I asked.

"I do not know. I'll just have to keep that bond with her". A tear fell from his cheek when he said that.

"I don't care how many bonds you break or cut... Just you don't cut our bond", I cried again.

"I won't break our bond. It is precious to me". Okay now I cannot hold back anymore.

"I'm sorry Sasuke... Mangekyo Sharingan!" I exclaimed. My eyes changed from the Rinnegan to the Mangekyo. I stood in front of him, I had finally mastered the teleportation technique.

"You have the Sharingan?" he gasped.

"Enough t..." I fell to my knees. "Let's... *cough* settle... *cough* this..." My knees could no longer support my body. I fell forwards. Sasuke caught me. He looked at me with worrying eyes.

"Are you okay Naruko?" he asked. Why was he caring so much about me? I thought he was going to leave me.

"It feels like my life force is being drained away", I whispered weakly.

"Don't you dare die!" he said angrily. "If you die, I'm never going to back to the hidden leaf ever again". He truly does have feelings for me after all. He jumped down to the base of the waterfall. He sat down with me in his lap.

"If you really truly have feelings for me... Kiss me..." I said quietly. He didn't hesitate, not even for a second. He placed his lips on mine and kissed me passionately. I could feel my strength returning. Without a seconds doubt, I started kissing him back.

"I'm going to let you go..." I whispered. "Follow your heart and dreams. They'll lead you towards the right path". I wrapped my arms around him. My eyes could barely see anything.

The path will lead me (Sequel to Back in time)Where stories live. Discover now