Chapter 1: Home coming

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It has gone 13 years since Naruto fought against Madara. The scratch that Kurama had made had become a scar. He always covered his eyes with a bandage and he usually wore plain black t-shirts and blue trousers. Naruto was now 30 years old. He hasn't been in the hidden leaf since then. The war between the two forces ended only a couple of years ago and he had been placed in the most wanted list. When news spread that he had died he was removed from the list for some reason. The ex-Hokage had been been hiding in the land of waves at old man Tazuna's house until he could afford his own house. He made living by building. Houses, bridges, roads, walls you name it. His house had two stories, more than enough, so he let people rent the second floor. The people staying in the second floor always liked Naruto, although they were surprised that he could see even though he had a bandage in front of his eyes. They all thought he was a gentleman, kind and thoughtful. And so life went on, he may have been alone but he never got sad. He kept his equipment in the cellar, and he forbade his customers to go down there, it had happened several times that young children had gone in the cellar. Naruto never got angry with the children though, because they were curious kids wanting to explore. It had also happened that ninja from the hidden mist had stayed over. Naruto always feared he would be discovered. Even so Naruto had been lucky until the day a tall old man with white hair came through the door, accompanied by three children.

"Welcome to my house. Are you looking for a place to sleep or are you wanting to eat?" Naruto asked the man.

"I'm looking for a place to sleep for 4 people. One old man and three children", the man replied.

"You seem familiar somehow"

"Well maybe you've read some of my books", the man scratched the back of his head smiling.

"Oh yeah... The tale of the gutsy ninja, I love that book. The way the main character says; I'll break that curse. If there truly is such a thing as peace I'll find it", Naruto said heroicly.

"You seem familiar as well somehow", he said.

"Oh now you've never met me, I'm just a simple builder".

The three children behind him were shy and hid behind him.

"And who might you three be?", Naruto asked happily.

They stepped forward and flushed out of embarrassment.

"Hey there is nothing to be afraid of. If I do as much as attack you guys, Jiraiya one of the Sannin will save you"

"I'm Asuta Uchiha". A boy with short black hair that looked like Sasuke's hair, black eyes, dark blue trousers and a simple white jacket with the Uchiha crest on the back. He looked like was 5 foot tall he looked pretty muscular as well.

"I'm called Natsuo Hyuuga". A girl a bit shorter then Asuta said. She wore a black top, a grey unzipped jacket and dark grey shorts. She had the Byakugan as expected. Her hair was short and had dark brown color. She looked a lot like Tenten. She always had her eyes fixated on Asuta.

"My name is Joshuka Sarutobi". His eyes caught Naruto's attention. They were completely black, as black as Asuta's eyes. His hair was short and brown. Joshuka reminded him of Konohamaru.

"Well I'll be honored to have you all stay here. I'm sure you are all tired, here's your key to the second floor", Naruto said.

"How much for two nights?", Jiraiya asked.

"You guys can stay over for free. It was hidden leaf Ninja who saved us from Gato and his followers"

"No I insist that I pay", Jiraiya said stubbornly.

"You're going to need the money for tonight when you wander off and leave me in charge of keeping these children safe". The kids started giggling.

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