Chapter 5: Fleet

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"What is this?" I asked.

"This is our enemy. These are the people who attacked us", was Sasuke's answer.

"NARUTO!" a voice yelled below us. Sasuke jumped off the Gunbai. I looked down. A campfire? I flew after him.

"How do you plan on defeating them?" it was Shikamaru.

"I don't know, I'll think of something".

"How are we going to be able to destroy all of them?" Ino was terrified.

"I will do it. Just let me think". Hours passed, with no result. I want to try to come to a peaceful solution, if at all possible. I would go there alone and negotiate a peace treaty, if that went to oblivion then I'll just destroy the fleet.

"I'm going in, alone!"

"No, Naruto you can't".

"Watch me!"

I flew over the mountain, towards the huge fleet. Two scouting ninja flew beside me. They aimed their machines at me.

"This is restricted area. Leave at once!"

"This area belongs to the land of fire!"

"Leave immediately!" I had no time to react. I instinctively put my hands up. Their flying mechanisms fell towards the sea along with them.

The idiots never learn to they? I dropped from my Gunbai. I punched a hole in the ships hull.

"Oops, that was accidental". Ninja were surrounding me. The were holding those weird shuriken shooting mechanisms.

"I come in peace". They didn't seem to understand what I meant by peace. Their mechanisms that were firing at me where useless. I was able to block everything with my barrier. Purple chakra swallowed my body. It was all around me. The chakra changed it's form to a wolf with eleven tails. It was huge, bigger than the ship I was standing on. The metal underneath the feet was collapsing, breaking it. The ship started sinking. I stood on the water. The eleven tails were destroying the cruising ship behind me. Making holes in these ships was fun. I put my arms out. Blue and red blobs merged and formed a big purple ball. I sent it towards the center of the fleet and it explodes. Most of the ships were destroyed in that one single attack. Ninja had started flying, trying to kill me. There was no point in shooting me. They would have to use jutsu. Pathetic, weak, annoying, these guys are all of it. I ignored them and kept on destroying the ships. After a while the tailed beast transformation had been undone. I jumped up in the air, towards the closest ship.

"Neji, tell me what do you see?" Sasuke asked.

"Naruto has gone out of tailed beast mode and is currently heading towards what seems to be a battleship".

"Is he insane? That ship will blow him to bits if he isn't in tailed beast mode!"

*BOOOM!!!* the ship exploded. It started sinking, rapidly.

"You were saying?"

"Forget it!"

"Naruto, don't get yourself killed", Ino said worryingly.

"He won't, not while I'm still alive". Sasuke ran over the mountain. It took him minutes to get all the way to me.

"Sasuke what are you doing here?"

"I came to help you".

"Help me? I said I was going to do this alone".

"I'm not going to watch you die again".

"Fine then. But be careful"

"You be careful!" he raised his voice. We dashed in different directions. I got onto my gunbai. Soaring towards the ships, using all types of destructive long range jutsu I could. An idea popped out of nowhere. I dove under the water. If I couldn't destroy them from above. Then maybe from the sides. "Wood style". I put my hands together. From my hands a medium sized pirate ship was constructed. It floated above water. I couldn't create metal so I improvised, blue crystal balls hovered into crystal cannons. Shadow clones put their hands on the cannons and channeled chakra. The balls were fired at the flagships. A total of sixteen cannons were repeatedly fired, continuously penetrating the metal hull.

They weren't helpless. Metal cannonballs were being fired at us. Lucky for us that this ship wasn't that big. The sound of wood shattering came from beneath me. We had lost three cannons. We kept firing, firing and firing until we didn't have any cannonballs or cannons left.

"Hard to port. We are turning this ship around!"

We did have another side of this ship though. I walked down one deck. I weaved signs, creating crystal cannons and cannonballs. I repaired the damaged side. The ship had no sails, but it could still be steered. The balls were being loaded. Two clones were about to put a ball in when I touched the ball. The jutsu formula for the flying thunder god technique was placed on it. All of the cannons were fired simultaneously. All of them made it through the hull of the flagship. I transported, an alarm was ringing and lights were flashing. I ran deeper and deeper into the ships interior. Killing every single crew member I passed. The commander was as equally confused as I was. I recognized him from somewhere. Ninja were charging we with full force. My arms stretched out and drew the hidden blades. The ninja ran straight into them, killing them.

"Who are you!?" the commander yelled.

"The hidden leaf sends its regards". I dashed towards him. I tried hitting him on the chest. He blocked the incoming fist with his arm. He kicked me from the left, it was grabbed by my right hand. We pushed each other back.

The ship tilted to the left. Looks like my clones blasted enough holes to sink it. The commander caught me off guard. He scorched me with a fire jutsu. The whole room had started burning. I walked to where he stood, did he seriously believe he could defeat me with that? Glass pieces were scattered across the floor. The front window had broken. He must have jumped through. As stupid as I was, I followed him. A sudden punch to my side sent me tumbling towards the ground. I landed on the hard metal hull. The commander landed in front of me. He slowly approached me. I jumped backwards, hoping to get some distance.

This feeling, pure menace. Wind brushed through my hair. A drop of sweat fell of my elbow. Was I actually afraid?

"I could blow this whole place up in an instance!" I raised my voice.

"So I've noticed", he was sweating as well. "You are the first in years to make me sweat".

"Same here". His hands began forming signs. The tips of his fingertips were beginning to spark. With a circular motion lightning shot out of his fingers. It was completely unexpected. I had no time to react. A tremendous pain to my side sent me spiraling to the left. Sounds of screams and lightning distorting mixed together filled the atmosphere. It continued and continued. By the time it stopped I had gotten up on my feet.

"You are going to do a lot better than that". Sasuke was breathing tremendously heavy. He fell to the ground, coughing hard. Electrical sparks and distortion kept going. My best friend was being electrocuted to death. I couldn't watch.

Something changed inside of me, like my soul was being clouded. Sadness and depression overwhelmed me, hatred and rage blinded my judgement. Everything was like a blur, I could hardly tell the difference between distances. The commander walked towards me. I threw punches at him but he didn't seem to be affected. Maybe it was just my eyesight that was weakened, I couldn't tell.

"I should kill you right now", the commander said.

"Let me know your name first".

"Yinsen", he struck my left shoulder. "I will remove your memories. Don't worry, I can't take away all of your Jutsu! That will be the only thing you'll remember. Hahahahahah". He's insane. I got mad, but it was to late. He had already placed his left hand on my right shoulder and his right thumb on my forehead. My heart was pounding, I couldn't move. Why? What type of Jutsu is this?

A surge of pain bolted throughout my body...

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