Chapter 24: Challenges

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------------Konohagakure... August 20th------------

I shot out of the bed. There was no time to put my white shirt on. My face might have been seen. I put on my spare mask. Someone who knows me would have immediately recognize me. This could create a huge problem. Luckily it's midnight, so there shouldn't be that heavily guarded. When I reached the reception I saw a pink haired girl performing medical jutsu on her arm. Sakura? Shit, this is bad, really bad. I put my shirt on quicker than a ray of light and dashed past her.
"Flying thunder god", I whispered. I had successfully transported to the graveyard. Man that was close.
"What were you running from?" I heard Lee say. "I could tell from just fighting you. You're afraid. But instead of fighting your weakness you ran away. Think more about yourself if only just a bit". He walked away. I removed my mask, crushing it with my left hand. A blue ball of concentrated chakra formed in my other hand. I pressed the ball against my gravestone. It exploded as planned. What was left was covered up by my earth manipulation. The spot where my grave once rested was back to the way it was before my gravestone was there. Now then... I wonder if that place is still standing.

I nervously put the key in the keyhole. A faint clicking sound was made when I turned the key. Calmly, I took a deep breath and opened the door. It smelt like moldy ramen cups throughout the whole house. I've been away for this long? Seems unreal in a way. I put my fingers together like a cross. I called forth shadow clones.
"Alright everyone. Let's get this place cleaned up by tomorrow morning!" I exclaimed.
"Yes sir", the clones said in unison. I walked outside again. With a brush in my left hand while manipulating water with my right hand I tried removing the paint from the walls. Even after I left the village people were still hating me. These walls prove it.
'Finally the nine-tails boy is gone' 'peace has returned to our village' 'burn in the afterlife', that was just a few of the written sentences. Somehow those words made me more determined to get the paint off. I heated the water up with my flames. The thought was to make the heat dissolve the paint, but it didn't make much of a difference. Just if this dammed paint wasn't so dry. I'll have to try scraping it off in the morning.

------------Konohagakure... August 22nd------------

Finally finished. I lay panting from exhaustion on the roof. The massive amount of sweat had forced me to remove my shirt. I felt like eating at Ichi Raku's. So I took a hike to the ramen shop, with my equipment ready at all times of course. My body moved by an old habit. It's nostalgic. Appearance-wise this village hasn't changed at all. But I guess everyone is still the same. Even old man third is the same. I looked at the stone faces. Five faces! Who's the new Hokage? It doesn't matter for now. I have to do the important things first.
"Yo. Teuchi one round of the usual", I chuckled. "Actually on second thought, I'll have todays special". He looked at me questionably. He then smiled. The man next to me had a very familiar face to him. He had brown hair tied up in a ponytail, he had a blue forehead protector and he had a scar on his nose and cheeks.
"Iruka?" the name escaped my mouth. "It really is you Iruka-Sensei".
"Oh, do I know you?" he asked.
"No, never mind", I replied.

That was awkward. Well, what was I expecting? I don't know... Was it worth leaving this village just to gain power? If it's for the sake of protecting this place, then maybe it was. But it's not enough to make up for the sacrifices I made. Oh that's right. The current Hokage, I was going to check out who the current Hokage is.
"Naruto!" Lee yelled. He ran up to me in extreme speed. "Are you busy the next few days?"
"No... Any specific reason?" I answered cluelessly. He grabbed my arm and ran for dear life.
"Awesome. We are in need of another ninja", Lee smiled. "You are the only person I could think of who qualifies for the job". In less than 30 seconds Lee had gotten us to the Hokage's office.
"Ah Lee, finally", a mature female voice spoke. "Did you find a substitute for Minori?" Lee dragged me further into the room. I saw at least eight other ninja. Six of them I had met before at a hot spring.

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