Chapter 22: Enemy without allies

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"I see you are having a nice reunion", a man chuckled. That voice, sounded extremely familiar.
"This immense chakra... It can't be!" the blue haired girl exclaimed. "Sensei!"
"Ah, Nanami, I see you've grown", the man said evilly. "I hop..." Nanami cut him off. A weird kunai of some sort was thrown at him. It stopped mid air.
"Haven't I told you Nana-chan. My father is too powerful for you to handle on your own", a boy said harshly.
"Seriously Yikaru, stop being so mean all the time", Nanami laughed.
"Whatever. Let's get this over with", he said in a serious tone. He had blades that extended.
"Before you try to kill me, I'll say this, I'm not here to fight. Quite the opposite, I'm here to help you", the man smirked. "A war is coming, and if you don't prepare you are going to lose that war". Yikaru threw something. It had the shape of a sword.
"The fourth gre..." The sword went through the man. His robe floated down towards the ground. It was black and had red clouds on it. Yikaru picked the robe up as it deteriorated in his hands. He put something in his pouch.

"Tsunade did you get all of that?" he said through his com device. "Nana-chan can you still feel his chakra?" Before she had time to answer, he sighed. Nanami patted him on his head.
"He's out of my range", she whispered.
"No he's still here in the village", Yikaru said. "He's on the stone monument of the fourth Hokage". Yikaru looked mad, truly angry. He leapt off toward the stone faces.

After a short period of time he came back. He fell into Nanami's arms and burst into tears. He didn't seem to be someone who cried easily.
"Why is it I can never get him to come back?" he cried.
"My boyfriend is such an idiot. Why did you rush into a battle you knew you could not win?" she was scolding him pretty badly.
"Because Haruka was in danger", the boy said. "I got separated from her just a while ago". Kakashi's face lit up. Someone's arms had been wrapped around his stomach. A feminine face popped out from behind him. She had long yellow hair in an odd looking ponytail.
"Hello everyone", she laughed. "What's going on?"
"Some weird guy in Akatsuki robes with yellow hair started attacking us", Shikamaru said calmly.
"So he's back ey?" she asked coldly. "Not alone either". She vanished instantly.

She jumped towards Yikaru and Nanami. She grabbed Yikaru's short sword and threw it. Within a second the blond haired man from earlier grabbed it. He teleported to Yikaru. His face turned towards mine. Sensei? But his hairstyle and clothes are different from before. He vanished once again. A man in black robes was thrown over the side of the wall. Before he was able to hit the ground, Sensei just grabbed his throat.
"Yikaru what shall I do with him? Kill him or let him live?" he grinned.
"For now let him live. He'll run back to the Akatsuki to tell the rest of the members about how serious we are", Yikaru answered. "You are going to tell your organization right?" Something was off here. Wasn't Sensei a part of the Akatsuki? Why is he just staring at the girls all the time?
"Sensei you never had any intention to kill him in the first place. You're on the same side as him!" I yelled. They had both vanished.

I opened the door. The person who was standing outside waiting was none other than... Ino? What can she want from me now?
"Naruko come with me", she smiled as she grabbed me by my arm.
"Hey Ino, wait a minute!" I said in confusion. "Where are you taking me?"
"You'll see!" Ino exclaimed happily. Where the heck is she taking me?
"We are here!" she exclaimed once again.
"Ino you are finally here. And you brought Naruko as well", Sakura smiled. She moved closer to Ino to whisper. "Why is she only wearing underwear?" My eyes widened. Ino you idiot, how could you not see that I wasn't dressed? But to be fair I'd never have noticed it myself. I felt a chakra brush against my skin. It disappeared within a second. What was it? I couldn't tell. Strange as it was, I was suddenly wearing a blue dress with yellow flowers on it. As I stepped inside the restaurant, people were cheering at me. Sakura and Nanami dragged me towards a table. Everyone raised their hands and cheered again. Their glasses were filled with sake. I hoped everything wouldn't end to bad.

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