Chapter 21: Enemy without allies

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I was lying down on the grass underneath a tree. My eyes were shaded from the sun. My white shirt would probably get grass stains on it but whatever. I was wearing as I said a long sleeved white shirt, underneath the shirt I wore a black thinnish top, I also wore black trousers, a black diagonal skirt that ended just above my knees to below my knees and the black vambraces my father made. Instead of me having an annoying headband, I had Konoha's emblem on my vambraces. On the back of my white shirt the Uchiha clan emblem was proudly visible. It looks cool, so why not have it on the shirt?

Two years have passed. I haven't seen the village since I left. It was fun and all training with Pervy Sage. Except for the fact that he is extremely pervy and looked at my breasts the first chance he got. But to say the least, I was homesick. I miss everyone in the village especially my father. The one I probably miss the most has to be Sasuke. Sasuke, where are you anyway? Do you still remember me? Have you forgotten our bond? Do you still have feelings for me? When will I get to see you again? Loads of questions were flowing through my head.

"Naruko? You seem troubled. Is anything the matter?" Pervy Sage asked.

"No, just thinking", I sighed. "We are going to arrive in Konoha tomorrow right?"

"Yeah, can you do that thing you usually do?" he grinned. I shook my head.

"I have to master this jutsu that was written on the scroll. Can you help me?" I asked.

"Sure. Which jutsu was it now again?"

"Great flaming Rasenshuriken", I giggled. "Your memory is getting old". He took the scroll and began to read out loud.

"You need to go into sage mode and elemental mode. Then when you have done that, you have to charge the Rasengan. This is where the confusing part comes in. You are supposed to add wind chakra while at the same time adding fire to it. If you cannot do that, there is another way. Follow the first two steps, then add the wind chakra. Then with your other hand add the element fire. If completed the correct way, you should be able to throw it", Pervy Sage said calmly. My eyes changed. It looked like I had the eye of a dragon, orange color appeared on my eyelids. I slowly stood up.

In my palm I held the Rasengan. I added the wind chakra and then shot a small burst of purple fire on it. The spinning chakra shuriken absorbed the fire and became red. I had expected it to turn purple but red works. With a thrust of my arm, the flaming shuriken soared away from me. It became smaller and smaller until it was so small that it couldn't be seen. Suddenly it exploded. The explosion was bigger than I expected. Wind boosts fire, that's why the explosion was so big. Finally I've mastered the last jutsu on the scroll. I can go home now!

"Let's go home", I said happily.

"Yeah, I also think it's time to go home as well", he yawned.

"If I've got this jutsu right, we should be able to get there immediately by teleporting".

"We can give it a try!" Pervy Sage exclaimed.

"Grab onto my arm", I smiled. "I'll teleport half a km from the southern gate". We both closed our eyes. In an instance we had cut the distance by 20km. Both of us walked slowly towards the gate entrance.

"Here goes", I took a deep breath. "Don't be awkward, don't be awkward". I took the first step inside the gate carefully.

"Hey Kotetsu, isn't that...?" I heard one of the gate guards say.

"Yeah Izumo... It's Naruko!" Kotetsu exclaimed. I looked to my left and smiled. The both of them blushed intensely. Boys, they take one look at me and instantly fall under my charm. I don't even need to use a genjutsu to get their attention. Pervy Sage and I continued walking towards the center of the town. Many of the townsfolk were looking at me suspiciously and nervously.

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