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first a/n: hey guys! before the story starts let's meet the characters! <3 


twitter- emilydevora

alt twitter- totallynotemily 

alt twitter- totallynotemily 

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twitter- ellastewart 

alt twitter- swaggyella

alt twitter- swaggyella

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twitter- KarlJacobs_

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twitter- KarlJacobs_

alt twitter- honkkarl 

any other cc's as themselves :) alright let's get this show rolling!

It was already 3 AM and I had been streaming for already 3 hours with Tina and Brooke. We had been talking forever about streaming together and now that we finally were it was amazing, I didn't want it to end. 

"Alright we finished!" I exclaimed as I made my minecraft character back up so everyone could see the build we just made on my screen. 

"It looks so cute you guys!" Tina said. 

"We are pretty cool builders." Brooke said carrying the R and placing a sign in front of our build and naming it, Tina, Brooke and Emily's place. 

I smiled when I saw the sign. These were the kind of moments I wanted to keep forever, building a minecraft house with my friends and seeing the sign in front of it. It was all just so perfect. 

After awhile I looked at the time and realized that it was already almost 4 in the morning and that I should wrap up the stream. 

"Alright chat, I hope you enjoyed the stream with the girls today!" 

"Make sure to drink some water and eat some food for me please! Love you chat! Here let me raid somebody..." 

After raiding somebody and turning my setup off, I jumped into bed and got on twitter since I hadn't been on it in the last 3 hours. 

totallynotemily: another successful stream tonight! love you guys <3


tinakittenalt: thanks for having us on! love you more! 


brookeab: already miss you gals :( 

I smiled at the replies I got back on twitter, man I loved these people. 

I turned my phone off and placed it on my bedside table and turned facing the wall when I heard my phone get a message. 

TINAAA <3 : hey em! i just wanted to say that i hope you have a goodnight and i'll text you in the morning :)

EM <3 : aw i hope you have a goodnight too tina! hey, let's stream again tomorrow!

TINAAA <3 : i wish i could but i can't :( i'm already streaming with my other friend karl tomorrow..hey you should come on my stream! you and karl would hit it off so well i just know it! 

I read Tina's message and started to think. I've heard of Karl before and I knew he was in the dream smp but I never talked to him before. Dream told me once that Karl's literally the boy version of me and when I heard that I thought, huh he must be really cool then. 

It was kinda weird that I never talked to Karl before. I've met all of Dream's other friends and sure me and Karl follow each other on social media but, we just never got to have a conversation with each other, I didn't know why. 

I thought it would be fun to finally meet Karl and get to stream with him and Tina so I replied back saying I would love too and Tina was excited. 

After saying goodnight once again, I placed my phone back onto my bedside table and drifted off to sleep, excited for tomorrow. 

a/n: i know i know this is a pretty short chapter but it's just a little intro for the story. hope you guys are enjoying it so far! 

668 words


just friends || karl jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now