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TINAAA <3 : i'm starting my stream now em! hop in the vc whenever your ready :) 

EM <3 : IM ON MY WAY! 

I was so excited to stream with Tina and Karl. We had an exciting stream planned and I was finally gonna get to meet Karl after all this time so I was feeling very pumped. 

I put my headset on and started up my stream.

"Hi chat!" I said waving at the camera. 

"I'm streaming with Tina again! And also Karl! I'm very excited to meet him." 

they've never met before?

you and karl would be such a good duo 

yay i'm excited for this stream! 

"Alright I'm gonna join the vc now..." 

I joined the vc in the middle of a conversation between Tina and Karl. 

"And uh, oh! Emily is here, hi Em!" Tina said.

"Hi Tina, Hi Karl!" I said into my mic. 

Karl's POV 

"And uh, oh! Emily is here, hi Em!" 

"Hi Tina, Hi Karl!" 

My heart stopped. She was here.

I didn't want chat to notice that I looked nervous and I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Emily so I tried to stay as calm as possible. 

Just think of her as a normal girl. 

"Hi Emily! It's so good to finally meet you!" I said. 

"It's good to finally meet you too Karl! And you can call me Em" 

"Oh alright Em!" 

I was doing it. I was actually talking to her. 

The stream went perfectly. I was getting more comfortable talking to Emily and I was having lots of fun with her and Tina. 

"Alright chat, I'm gonna end the stream right here!" 

"Here's a goodnight hug! Stay perfect everyone, I love you guys!" 

"I'm passing you all over to Punz, make sure to show him some love." 

"Bye everyone!" I waved at the camera and ended my stream. 

I joined back in the vc and realized that Emily was the only person in there. 

"Uh, where did Tina go?" 

"Oh she had to leave but she wanted me to tell you thanks for playing with us tonight." 

"Oh yeah it's no problem, I love streaming with my friends." 

"Yeah so do I. I can't believe we never talked before, your totally cool!" 

I blushed, "Your pretty cool too Em." 

"We should stream more together! Everybody seemed to like us tonight." 

"Yeah I would love too!" 

"Alright well what's your number so we can text each other and plan for our next stream." 

"Oh it's ***_***_****" 

"Sweet! I'll text you later Karl! Bye!" 

"Bye Em!" 

I left the vc and turned my pc off and jumped onto my bed. 

just friends || karl jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now