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Emily's POV 

I arrived home quickly and got out of my car and locked the doors.

I rushed to the front door and walked into my house, seeing Ella sitting on the couch.

"Did it work?" Ella said.

"Yeah, he believed everything." 

"What exactly happened that you had to have me act like there was an emergency?" 

"I think you're right."


"I think Karl does have a thing for me." 


a/n: lets act like it's the next day and their talking about it now bc they were too tired last night and also it makes more sense for it to be day now anyways yeah. 

"He called you beautiful!?" 

"Yes! I mean why would he say that!?" 

"Because he likes you Em!"

"But how could we know for sure? I mean, he always listens to me rant about Cameron. If I had a crush on somebody and they were constantly talking about their crush I would be mad." 

"Maybe he just doesn't want to ruin things between you guys." 

"I guess that makes sense.."

"God this is so stressful!" 

"Maybe you should ask him yourself?"

"Ella, that's a horrible idea!"

"Why? If you asked him yourself he'd be honest with you and he'd tell you how he truly feels!" 

But what if I didn't want to know? 

Okay yeah sure, having the thought of Karl maybe liking me sounded crazy but, it also made me happy. He's been there for me more than anybody else has before and know all of this? Who was I going to go to for advice now? He was the only person I felt like I could really trust. 

If I asked him if he liked me or not, he could either say yes and everything would be complicated. If he said no, then that could hurt me. 

Wait, did I like Karl? 



"Huh, what did you say?"  

"I said somebody is at the door for you." 

My heart stopped. Who could be at the door for me? 

What if it was Karl? 

Oh god, please don't be Karl.

I opened the door and to my surprise...Cameron?

"What are you doing here?" 

"Please, can I just come in and explain everything to you real quick?" 

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