twenty four

318 9 51

Karl's POV

Emily was asleep on my chest, I was playing with her hair admiring how adorable she looked when she slept.

It was Christmas Eve, the day I was gonna meet the rest of Emily's family, including her Dad...

I know it was stressing Emily out to see her Dad, she had every right to be nervous. I mean, he didn't support her with her dream, didn't talk to her for almost 3 whole years, and suddenly just wants to talk? I would've been stressed out too.

Me and Serena's conversation from the other day kept replaying in my head, if Emily did end up breaking down from seeing her Dad, I had to be there for her. I had to make sure she was okay and try and help the best I could with everything. The thought of all of this being a possibility gave me a weird feeling in my stomach, fear. 

Emily began moving, she wiped her eyes with the blanket before looking up at me. 

"Good Morning pretty boy." Emily said, god her sleepy voice was so attractive. 

"Good Morning sleepyhead, how'd you sleep?"

"Like a baby, hotel bed's are always so comfortable." 

"Agreed, I always get the best sleep in these things." 

Emily chuckled and moved closing to me, she wrapped her arm around my torso. 

"Merry Christmas Eve Em." I started playing with her hair again.

She looked up at me, I could see the worry in her eyes, "Merry Christmas Eve Karl."

"Hey, just remember, I'm gonna be by your side the whole entire night Em. And we've gotten too far to let somebody like your Dad ruin this for us. We're gonna be okay." 

She shot me a small smile before giving me a quick peck on the lips, "You're right, I'm gonna go shower and start getting ready." She said getting out of bed.

I could tell all of this was still bothering her. God, I didn't like to see her feeling like this, it gave me so much pain. I prayed to god that everything goes great tonight...


Emily's POV

I got out of the shower and threw on some shorts and one of Karl's hoodies he had brought with him, shower's always seemed to get my mind off of thing's that we're stressing me out.

Unfortuanlty, I was still thinking of my Dad. 

What could possibly get my mind off of everything right now?

knock knock

I heard a knock on the hotel door and opened the restroom door, Karl was standing right in front of the door, he looked over at me. 

"Are we expecting anyone?" Karl shot me a confused look.

"I don't think so, it's probably just room service."

Karl opened the door just a little bit to see who was outside.

"You're looking for Emily? Yeah she's here." I heard Karl said.

Who was looking for me?

"Yeah of course, come in!" 

Karl looked over at me and began slowly opening the door...



"Oh my god! Val?!" 

"You know it! Come here favorite cousin!" Val walked towards me giving me a huge hug.

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