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-Two days before Emily's birthday-


Karl's POV

"So can you guys make it?" i said on vc with Sapnap and George. 

"I know I can, I'll be staying until Dream leaves back home." Sapnap said. 

"Alright sounds good, you can sleep in my guest bedroom."

"Or in your bedroom." Sapnap said.

"Shut up man, what about you George?" I said laughing slightly.

"I think I can, if so me and Niki are going to meet up and take the same plane to you guys." 

"Sweet! So a yes from Sapnap, yes from Niki, and a maybe from George." 

"Yup!" George said.

"Alright let me know George, I gotta go now guys, I have to ask Brooke and Tina if they can go" 

"Okay bye Karl!" George and Sapnap said.

I left the vc and texted Brooke and Tina to both hop on discord because there was an 'emergency'.


"Karl! Karl! What's the emergency?!" I heard Tina say.

"Oh, I only said that to get you in here." I laughed. 

"You're so annoying! What's up though?" 

"Let's wait for Brooke to get here first."

"I'm here! What's the emergency?"

"He only said that to get us here." I can tell Tina was rolling her eyes.

"Karl how dare you!" Brooke said.

"IT'S WORTH IT! I PROMISE! Okay so, you know how Emily's birthday is in 2 days?" 

"Yeah?" Tina and Brooke said.

"Well I wanted to surprise her and invite her friends who didn't live here to her party! For example, you guys. You guys are really close to her and you know, you guys are 'the gals' (their trio name) so I was wondering if you guys would like to come!?" 

"Karl, that's so sweet of you!" Brooke said.

"Yeah Karl, that's a very nice thing of you to do for my wife." Tina said.

"Tina back off! She's mine!" I said into my mic. 

"Keep dreaming buddy, anyways! I would love to come! Only problem is, it's a 33 hour plane ride from here to North Carolina." 

"You would come a day before her birthday and arrive at 8 AM. You'll be the first to get here, I think." 

"How long will we be staying?" Brooke asked.

"A week. If that's okay with you guys?"

"I'm on board!" Tina spoke. 

"Sweet! What about you Brooke?"

"Can Mason come too?"

"Yeah of course he can." 

"Alright then yeah, I'm on board too!"

"Awesome! Emily is gonna be so happy to see you guys!"

"Were excited to see her too! I'm gonna go pack now Karl." Tina said.

"I am too, gotta plan out my outfits." Brooke said.

"Alright guys, I'll talk to you later! Bye!" 

"Bye Karl!" They both said. 

I left the vc and jumped onto my bed. 

I was excited to see the look on Emily's face when she saw everybody walk through her front door, it was going to be memorable. 

a/n: this is a filler lol but yeahhh i'm so excited! also i'm sick haha not pog. :( 

also i really wanna watch the rugrats movie (the one where they go to paris) but the party where their all dancing with their moms and the plane ride makes me sad because chucky doesn't have a mom and it makes me sad that one day my mom is going to die and i won't have anybody to talk to anymore because i have no friends. 

ANYWAYS, i love you all so much <3 sorry for that^^

stay swaggy my friends. :)

560 words

just friends || karl jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now