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-Emily's Birthday-

Karl's POV

12 AM at night. 

"So you can come? That's awesome George!" I said on the phone with George.

"Yeah, I'm so excited! I'm picking up Niki in about an hour and were going to fly over, were staying in a hotel and we'll be at your house in the morning." George said over the phone.

"Sweet! Sapnap is already here, he's passed out in the guest bedroom, Tina is already on her plane and should be here by 8 AM, and Brooke is getting here at like 1."

"The look on Emily's face is gonna be classic!" 

"I know! She's gonna be so shocked!"


"Well Karl, I better go and finish packing before I have to go and get Niki, but I'll see you in the morning!" 

"Alright George, sleep well bye!"

"Bye Karl!" George hung up the phone. 


8 AM

I opened my front door and saw Tina with a huge grin on her face and her suitcase beside her.

"Tina you made it!" I said hugging her. 

"Yes I did!" She said hugging back.

"Come on, everybody's inside, i'll take your suitcase." 

"Oh okay, thank you!" Tina said walking into my house.

I grabbed Tina's suitcase and followed her inside, closing the door behind me. 

"Tina! It's so good to meet you!" Niki said.

"It's good to meet you too Niki! Hi everybody!" Tina said waving.

Tina looked over at me, "Where's Brooke and Mason?"

"Their coming later, were gonna leave once were all ready. I told Emily I had to do some thing's for Mr beast today so she doesn't suspect a thing." 

"Alright  well, we should all probably get ready for this party tonight." Sapnap said from the couch. 

"Yeah, let's go!"  George said running up the stairs. 


10 AM

Emily's POV

"EMILY WAKE UP! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!" Ella said jumping on me. 

"Ow! Ella get off of me!" I said trying to sit up.

"I'M SORRY! I'M JUST SO EXCITED!" Ella said sitting next to me. 

I laughed, "It's my birthday!"

"Yes it is! By the way, I think Karl texted you."

I picked up my phone from my bedside table and looked at the text Karl sent me. 

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