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Karl's POV

ms tina kitten : karl my friend emily is gonna be joining us on my stream tonight so i just wanted to let you know! i think you'll like her :) okay i have to go now but i'll talk to ya later! 

I saw Tina's message and instantly started to panic. Emily Devora? As in Emily Devora who's friend's with Dream and is the most prettiest girl I've ever seen?

I remember when Dream first showed me a photo of her. I instantly fell for her. I always had so many opportunities to talk to her but every time I got the guts to say one word to her I panicked and just chickened out. 

Now I was going to have to speak to her and stream with her tonight, and there was no backing out this time. 

I texted Dream right away hoping he could help calm me down a little.

karl :) : dream guess who i have to stream with tonight?

pissbaby :) : who and why do i care? 

karl :) : it's emily dream...

pissbaby :) : as in my best friend? 

karl :) : as in the one i have a crush on yes

pissbaby :) : omg dude your finally gonna talk to her?!

karl :) : idk man, i'm freaking out over here!

pissbaby :) : karl you'll be alright! you guys are literally the same person! she's gonna like you

karl :) : what if i freeze up when i try to talk to her? or what if i blush on stream from hearing her talk? there could be so many bad outcomes to this :( 

pissbaby :) : karl trust me, you'll be alright! 

pissbaby :) : just think of her as a normal girl, not somebody you have a crush on. 

Dream was right. If Emily was as nice and cool as everyone described her to be then I had nothing to worry about. I just had to act cool and think of her as a normal girl, even though she wasn't just a normal girl...she was Emily. 

karl :) : your right, i'll just think of her as a normal girl

pissbaby :) : that's what i'm talking about karl! let me know how everything turns out! 

karl :) : i will. thanks again dream :) 

pissbaby :) : anytime, bye loser

Emily's POV

"Wake up loser it's already 12 in the afternoon!" 

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my green eyed best friend Ella staring down at me with a bowl of cereal in hand. 

"Is that for me?" I said sitting up wiping my eyes.

"No! Who do you think I am, your personal chef?!" Ella said sitting on my bed. 

I frowned. I didn't get to eat last night because I streamed so late so I was really hoping it was for me. 

"I'm just messing with you Em, here." Ella said handing me the bowl of cereal. 

"Let me guess, you stayed up streaming late last night again?" 

"How could you tell?" 

"Well for starters, you never sleep in til 12." 

"Also I could hear you laughing at 3 AM" 

I chuckled, "My bad!" 

I placed my cereal on my bedside table and looked at my phone to see I had gotten a text from Tina. 

TINAAA <3 : hey em! i'm so excited to stream with you and karl tonight :) i'll text you when i'm about to set up

I looked up at Ella.

"Okay, I know who Tina is but who is Karl?" 

"He's somebody who's in the dream smp. I've never met him before." 

"Is he cute?" Ella said smirking at me.

"He's alright." I said shrugging. 

"Do you like him?" 

"Ella, I've never even met the guy before!" 

"Okay okay I was just asking!" 

"Dream said that he's the boy version of me so I guess he's cool." 

"Can we not talk about Dream?" Ella said rolling her eyes. 

"Oh come on, you can't still be mad at the guy!" 

"I can and I will. I have a good reason to be mad." 

"Ella it happened a long time ago, maybe it's time to just leave it in the past." 

"It's complicated Em, you wouldn't get it." 

I sighed. When me and Ella were little we met Dream and all three of us became best friends. When high school rolled around, Dream and Ella decided to take things to the next level and date. Except it wasn't like the movies, the break up was horrible and it tore our group apart. Me and Ella moved out of Boston after high school and Dream moved to Florida. They haven't said one word to each other since. I somehow am in the middle of it. 

I've tried to get them to try and talk to each other but they always say no. Neither of them never told me what happened but every time I bring up Dream to Ella she want's to change the conversation right away, so I'm guessing the fight was pretty bad. 

"Em?" Ella said bringing me back to reality.

"Sorry I zoned out for a second." 

"It's fine. You should probably get up and get ready before your stream in a couple hours." 

"Yeah, okay Mom." 

"Shut up!" Ella got up from my bed and walked out of my room. 

I looked back at my phone and replied to Tina's message. 

EM <3 : alright that sounds good! and i'm excited too :) 

"I should listen to Ella and go get ready now." 

970 words 

a/n: i know this chapter was short too but there was more stuff happening in this one. i'm excited to write the next chapter for you guys! :) 

make sure to eat something. drink some water, and stay swag for me! <3

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