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a/n: so i had this cool idea of making a chapter of just people saying happy birthday to emily, so like they would post on twitter and make like a happy birthday post for her. 

so in this chapter i'm only gonna show posts from Ella, Dream, Karl, Tina and Brooke. also i'm not gonna show the comments, just the posts and the caption :)

anyways i promise the next chapter will be emily's birthday and the meetup and everything, i just really wanted to do this! <3 



-Emily's Birthday Posts-



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caption: don't mind the last photo, it was us in high school

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caption: don't mind the last photo, it was us in high school. listen, i'm not gonna get all sappy or anything but happy birthday to my 4lifer, my bestfriend, my family, emily. i love you weirdo <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! 



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caption: heard it was a swag person's birthday, happy birthday you weirdo

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caption: heard it was a swag person's birthday, happy birthday you weirdo. 



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caption: happy birthday em! i am so happy to call you my friend

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caption: happy birthday em! i am so happy to call you my friend. i know we've only known each other for a little bit but, it feels like longer then that. i love when you have random bursts of energy and dance around like nobody's watching, i love how you always know how to make me laugh, i love how you like the same thing's as me, i love everything about you. thank you for being who you are, happy birthday! :) 


i don't have any photos of you since we've never met up before but i just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY WIFE EMILY! i wish i could be there to give you a huge hug, just act like i'm standing right next to you :) LOVE YOU EM <3 

a/n: imagine this next photo brooke and emily :)


caption: this is from the first time we met up and it's the only photo i have of us together but happy birthday emily! 21 god, that's crazy

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caption: this is from the first time we met up and it's the only photo i have of us together but happy birthday emily! 21 god, that's crazy. i love playing minecraft with you and tina and you've become one of my best friend's :) ilysm em! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRETTY LADY <3

a/n: i hope you guys like this chapter :) i know it's kinda weird but i just thought this was a cool idea :) ANYWAYS, BYE! <3 ily

stay swag ;) 

533 words

just friends || karl jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now