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TW: mention of drinking and smoking. just wanna be safe yk :)

"Em, where are we going?" 

"Just follow me! We're almost there." 

"It's starting to get dark out here..." 

I turned around and grabbed Karl's hand, our finger's interlocked together. 

"You'll be okay, I promise! I really want to show you this." 

He grinned, "Okay, but only for you!" 

I smiled and continued walking, not letting go of his hand. 


"And, we're here." 

Karl looked around at his surroundings, we we're at the waterfall. 

"Oh my god, how did you find out about this place?" 

"Cameron brought me here." 

"Wait, you took me to a place where Cameron brought you?" 

I laughed, "Technically yeah but, it's more than that." 

"What is this place?" 

"When Cameron brought me here, I didn't tell him that it made me upset. He asked me why and I just didn't tell him. Part of the reason I didn't tell him was because, I always thought I would come here one day with somebody I really cared about." 

"I'm still confused.." 

I chuckled, "When I was little, my mom told me and Ella that she was going to take us here one day. This is where my dad proposed to her. This is where she came to just think about stuff. She always talked highly about this place and we were both so excited. When she died, it sucked. We moved here after graduation because this is where she grew up, we wanted to feel like we were with her." 

"And do you? Do you feel like you're with her?" 

"All the time."


"Em, why did you take me here?" 

"Well my mom always said that if she didn't have the chance to bring me here, I should bring somebody I care about. So, I brought you." I smiled. 

Karl stepped forward, giving me a hug. 

"Thank you so much." 

I hugged him back, not wanting to let go. 

"Not only did you take me to such a wonderful and sentimental place, but you also trusted me enough to tell me about your mom." 

"Of course Karl. I knew from the first day I met you that I could trust you." 

He smiled. 

We stood there, just gazing into each other's eyes. 

"Tell me more about you." Karl said brushing some piece of my hair out of my face. 

"Oh uh, alright. What do you want to know?" 

"You're mom and Ella seemed close. I know you guys are best friends but, from the stories I've heard, it sounds like you two we're always together." 

just friends || karl jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now