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Emily's POV

"Ella I'm shaking right now. Are you sure this outfit looks good?" 

(outfit up there for reference.^) 

"Em, it looks beautiful! Karl's gonna faint when he see's you." 

"Are you sure? What do you think I should say? Should I hold his hand? Oh my god I'm sweating aren't I? I-"

"Emily! Chiil out! It's just Karl." 

"Exactly Ella, it's Karl! I really really like him and, I just want this date to go perfectly." 

"And it will! You look amazing, your outfit, your hair, your makeup, you look very swag."

"Besides, you guys have hung out a bunch of times." 

"But this is our first date. Not only that, it's my first date ever." I said walking over to my bed, sitting at the edge of it.

Ella sighed, walking over to me. "Look, if anything happens just text me. I'll answer right away and help as much as I can." 

I smiled, "Thank you Ella, for helping me with all of this."

"Of course. Anything for my best friend." 

I hugged Ella and heard my phone receive a text message.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the message. 

bestie drem :) : hop on the smp real fast. i want to show you something. 

emily the weirdo :  i have a date with karl tonight, can i take a rain check?

bestie drem :) : it's important em. 

I groaned, "Your boyfriend wants me to log onto the Dream SMP right now, says it's an emergency."

"Well than maybe you should go, just for a couple minutes though."

I nodded, looking back at my phone.

emily the weirdo : alright i'm coming. but only for a couple minutes. 

I walked over to my pc and started up Minecraft, wondering what was so important that I had to log on now.

"I'm going to go use the rest room real quick, be right back."

"Alright." I said as Ella left the room. 

Dream whispered to me and told me to go to these coordinates. I followed to where the coordinates we're located at and started to feel more annoyed at how far they were, I just wanted to go on my date. 

I finally arrived at the coordinates and stood there. There was a big tree right by a pond. Underneath the tree was red and white carpet, representing a picnic table and a cake right in the middle of it. 

I looked over and noticed that nobody was there, it was just me. 

What's going on? 

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