twenty nine

245 9 0

Emily's POV

I woke up in my bed with Karl laid next to me, Tina and NIki had arrived last night and decided to crash here and sleep on the floor of my bedroom, which I didn't mind. 

Today was New Year's Eve and I was so pumped to get to spend it with my best friends, we we're gonna have a good time. 

I yawned, I need coffee. 

I moved slowly out of my bed, not wanting to wake up Karl. Then, I slowly walked over to the door, making sure i didn't step on the girls and closing the door softly behind me. 

I walked into the hallway and heard two people talking in the kitchen, it was Ella and Dream.

"So, you're gonna tell her tonight?"

"I'm pretty sure. I just don't want to ruin our morning. Plus, I'm afraid of what she's gonna say."

I swung around the corner, "Afraid of what who's gonna say?" 

Ella and Dream swung their heads in my direction, their eyes wide open.

"Are you guys okay?" I said walking over to the cabinets to get myself a mug. 

"Uh, yeah! We're doing just fine." Dream stuttered.

"You don't sound fine. And who we're you guys talking about?" 

Ella gulped, "Oh, it's nothing to worry about. Hey, can you make me a coffee too?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Uh, sure." I looked away from them, focusing on the coffees. 

Why we're they acting so weird?

I mean, they're my best friends. They know they can tell me anything, right?

Once I was done making the coffees, I handed one to Ella and looked over to see Karl was finally awake. 

I smiled, "Good Morning Sleepyhead."

Karl walked over to me, rubbing his eyes, "I'm so tired." 

I giggled, "You can go back to sleep for a couple more hours, we're not doing anything right now." 

Karl leaned his head on top of my head, "But I wanna spend time with you! Plus, it's New Year's baby!" 

Ella shouted, "We're gonna get drunk!" 

We all looked over at her.


We all bursted out laughing. 

"Wait- wait guys!" Dream said, trying to control himself.

"Nick said he's on his way over with George." 

"Then, we better get ready right?" I said.

"I guess so." Karl said shrugging.

"I'll text Brooke and see when her and Mason are coming."

"Good idea and, has anybody talked to Alex?"

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