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Emily's POV

"Wait okay rewind, he got jealous because Karl texted you?!"

"Yeah! And then we had this huge argument and I told him to take me home." 

"So much for a good night.." 

"It didn't end badly though, I'm going over to Karl's tonight and-"

"Wait hold up, your going over to Karl's house!?" 

"Yeah so?" 

"Em, don't you think it's a little weird for you to be going to Karl's house after everything happened?" 

"Well Karl's the only other person who know's about the Cameron drama and besides it's not like I have a thing for Karl." 

"What if he has a thing for you?" 

"He can't have a thing for me, we just met!" 

"All I'm saying is, you need to be careful. I mean, why are you telling a guy you just met all of your business? You know you have other guy friends." 

Because I trusted him.

"What other guy friends? Dream?" 

"You know I don't like hearing that name."

"Are you ever gonna tell me what the fight between you and him was about?" 

"Hey this isn't about me okay? This is about you and Karl."

"There is no me and Karl! Okay he's just a friend." 

"Yeah, okay Em" Ella said sarcastically.


8 PM 

I drove into Karl's driveway and turned my car off, arriving at his house on time.

Before getting out of the car I thought to myself...

We are just friends, right?


Of course we are. What am I even saying, we just met. 

I grabbed my bag and got out of my car, not forgetting to lock it. 

I walked up the steps to Karl's house and rang the doorbell. 

The door opened and Karl was standing there, in black jeans with a navy blue sweater on.

He looked so cute.

"Em! Your here!" Karl said smiling. 

"Yes I am! Hi Karl!" I leaned in to give him a hug. 

Karl hugged me, slightly picking me up from the ground.

God he gave such good hugs.

"Well come on in m'lady!" Karl said holding the door open for me. 

"Why thank you kind sir." I said bowing. 

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