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emily the weirdo : DREAM! PLEASE TELL ME YOUR STILL UP! 

bestie drem :) : YES I AM EMILY! WHAT DO YOU WANT? 

emily the weirdo : well first off, i have a question

bestie drem :) : ok? 

emily the weirdo : why have you talked about ella to karl before?

bestie drem :) : how did you know about that?

emily the weirdo : i was with karl the other day and he said he knew who ella was from you, so why were you talking about ella to him? 

bestie drem :) : oh god karl what the heck. okay, i may or may not still have feelings for ella...

emily the weirdo : WAIT WHAT! HOW COME YOU NEVER TOLD ME? 

bestie drem :) : because it's complicated em, you wouldn't understand

emily the weirdo : okay you can cut the crap, i know what caused the breakup

bestie drem :) : wait what how!?

emily the weirdo : ella told me duh. and listen don't tell her i told you this or she'd murder me but, she still likes you too dream.

bestie drem :) : are you being serious? 

emily the weirdo : yes! and well yk today's her birthday and everything and i feel bad for sorta being the reason you guys broke up, so i wanted to surprise her.

bestie drem :) : okay what are you gonna get her?

emily the weirdo : you

bestie drem :) : me? 

emily the weirdo : yes you. 

bestie drem :) : em, i'm in florida! how exactly are you going to get me to her?

emily the weirdo : by plane idiot

bestie drem :) : you could've told me this sooner yk? i would've been packed and everything


bestie drem :) : WHATEVER! did you buy the plane ticket already or do i have to? 

emily the weirdo : i already bought everything. you have to be there by 12 and your plane leaves at 2. 

bestie drem :) : oh god im nervous...are you sure she wants to see me?

emily the weirdo : trust me dream. she's gonna be excited to see you! 

bestie drem :) : i hope your right...i'm gonna go pack now. i'll text you when i'm at the airport

emily the weirdo : alright sounds good! goodnight ugly 

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