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The next day

Emily's POV

Happy Birthday to you.

Happy Birthday to you.

Happy Birthday dear Emily.

Happy Birthday to you. 


That moment kept playing in my head. 

Seeing all of my best friends around me, singing to me for my birthday, god it was all so perfect.

I was so lucky to have a guy like Karl, even though we weren't a couple yet, he still was very special to me. 

The only thing that would've made my birthday even better...was if my mom was there.

I actually wished for her to be there. I know that is literally impossible but, it's just been so hard without her. 

I slowly opened my eyes and yawned, let's just not think about her right now. 

My party last night was amazing! And my best friend's are here! 

That's what I needed to focus on. 

Let me get out of bed and...



I quickly sat up and got out of the bathtub, seeing that the sink was now clean since before Tina had thrown up in it. 

(haha what's funny is i'm watching tina when i'm writing this lol ok back to the story)

I walked out of the restroom and heard noises coming from the kitchen. 

I walked into the kitchen and saw Dream and Ella in there, making out. 



They pulled away from each other. 

"Wow, know I now how you felt when you walked in on me and Cameron kissing in here." 

Ella rolled her eyes, "Good Morning to you too!" 

Ella sat down at the island and Dream walked over to me, giving me a huge hug.

"So, how did you like your birthday yesterday?" 

"It was fun! Except that I don't remember falling asleep in the bathtub." I said pulling away from Dream. 

Ella looked over at us with a confused look. 

"I told Dream to carry you to your room because Karl was already knocked out in there."

I looked over at Dream

He started to wheeze. 

"I thought it would be funny for you to wake up in the bathtub and be totally freaked out." He said laughing uncontrollably.

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