twenty eight

229 8 4

Ella's POV

Me, Emily and Karl we're all waiting at Dream's gate, waiting for him to arrive. 

I held a sign in front of me with Dream written on it, god I was so nervous.

I kept tapping my foot, getting annoyed that his flight was taking forever to land but, also feeling anxious to see him.

I groaned, "Can this plane land already!?" 

Emily looked over at me. She wrapped her arm around me, "He'll be here soon El, don't stress out about it." 

I sighed, "I just miss him." 

"Aw, you missed me?" I heard somebody say from behind me.

I quickly turned around and saw the tall boy in front of me. He was wearing black jeans with a red hoodie on. He had his hoodie over his head so I couldn't quite see is hair but I knew it looked good.

I dropped the sign on the floor and he dropped his duffel bag, I ran up to him and hugged him tightly, god I missed his touch. 

He spun me around, "Hi baby!" 

(please that cringed me so hard but like he would say that-)

I laughed, "Hi, I missed you so much!" He put me back on the ground, "I missed you more."

He looked into my green eyes, then down at my lips. I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss, the kiss made me melt. 

Then, there was a flash.



Dream rolled his eyes and walked up to Emily, hitting her in the arm before pulling her into a hug, I missed us all together. 

My huge smile soon turned into a frown when I realized this was my last New Years living with Emily. I still hadn't told her that I planned to move in with Dream after New Years, I was just so worried to hear what she'd have to say. Not only that but, I was also scared of leaving her...

I felt a hand on my lower back and snapped back into reality, "You okay?" Dream said to me.

"Never better!" I faked a smile walking over to Dream's suitcase.

"Come on, let's go guys! Everybody else should be arriving at the house soon!." 

We began walking to the car before realizing...

"Wait, where's Nick?" Karl spoke.

Dream's eyes widened, "OH CRAP! I LEFT HIM AT BAGGAGE CLAIM!" Dream said before running in the direction of baggage claim. 

We all laughed loudly, causing everyone to look over at us. 


We arrived back at the house and we're greeted by Niki and George who we're already there. 

"Hey boyfriend's girlfriend." George said to me.

"Hey boyfriend's boyfriend, good to see you again!" I said hugging George. 

I walked over to where Niki was and gave her a huge hug, "I'm so glad you guy's came! This is going to be our best new year's eve party yet!" 

"You got that right!" Sapnap said. 

"Hey, can you help me put my bags away in your room?" Dream said to me.

"Yeah sure." I said sitting up from the couch.

I grabbed Dream's duffel bag and followed him towards my bedroom, we set his stuff down. I began walking back over out my door before he grabbed onto my arm, "Wait, can we talk?"

I nodded, walking over to my bed. 

He sat beside me, "Did you tell Emily about our plan after New Years?"

I gulped, "Not yet..." 

"Ella, New Year's Eve is tomorrow! When are you gonna tell her?"

"It isn't that easy Dream, she's my best friend." 

"She's my best friend too! What, are you scared she isn't gonna like the idea?"

I sighed, tears started to feel my eyes. 

"No of course not. It's just, It's always been me and her. We came here to escape from our problems and now, I'm just gonna leave? I can't imagine waking up in the morning and her not being there, I don't think I can live without her." I sniffled, wiping some tears off my face. 

"Ella, it's not like you're never gonna see her again. We have the holidays, and you guys will hang out on each other's birthdays! This isn't the end of Emily and Ella." 

I looked over at Dream, "But it is in a way." 

Dream sighed, "So, you don't want to move in with me..?"

I held onto his hand, "No, of course I do Dream. I just need to mentally prepare myself to tell her..."

Dream wrapped his arm's around me, pulling me closer to him. 

"Everything's gonna be alright, I promise." He said, kissing me on top of my head. 

I smiled, wiping more tears off my face, "Thank you Dream." 

"Anything for you.." 

a/n: i feel like i'm rushing- i'm only rushing only because i really want to be done with this story. don't get me wrong, i love it to pieces! But, i really want to start writing that wilbur book lol. 

anyways, new year's tomorrow- i'm gonna cry stop. 

i love you all <3 

821 words

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