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I arrived at Karl's and turned my car off, sitting there for a second.

Was this a good idea?

How do I even know if he likes me back?

No, stop overthinking.

Just go and tell him how you feel. 

I got out of my car and walked up the steps to Karl's house.

I stared at his door.

This was a horrible idea.

I'm going home. 

I turned around towards my car and walked towards it. Suddenly, I heard the front door swing open.

"Em? What are you doing here?" I heard Karl say.

I slowly turned around and walked towards him.

"I uh, came to give you your hoodie back, you know your favorite one?" 

He looked at me confused, "In the middle of the night?"

"Well I just figured you missed it so, I wanted to give it back to you." I said scratching the back of my head.

"Em, it's freezing outside. You can give it to me tomorrow." 

"Oh uh alright, goodnight Karl." I started walking towards my car now.


I turned back around facing Karl, he walked towards me. 

"Are you sure you only came over here to give me my hoodie back?" 

I stared at him with a panicked look, should I tell him?

Just do it. 

No don't do it! He probably doesn't even like you like that.

Do it, you never know what could happen.

Just go back home.

"Em!" Karl said snapping me back into reality.

"Oh sorry, I did that zoning out thing again." I chuckled. 

He laughed.


"Em, what's the real reason you're here?" 

I looked up at him, staring into his grey eyes. 

He looked so adorable in his sweatpants and adventure time shirt. 

God I liked him so much.

Just spit it out! 


"I like you!" 

He looked at me.

"W- What?" 

"Karl, do you remember the other night when you called me beautiful?"


"Well, I panicked and I ran to the restroom and told Ella to act like there was an emergency so I can leave. I panicked because I didn't know what was going on between me and Cameron and Ella kept asking me over and over again if I liked you and I said no but deep down I knew I did and I was just so afraid that you probably didn't like me back and god, you are the only person I feel comfortable talking to about things. I love streaming with you and I love hanging out with you and I love how we like the same things and, I just love everything about you Karl." I said staring up at him.

He was looking down at me, smiling. 


"This is gonna sound funny but.."

"What is it Karl?"

"You know how we never talked before until we streamed with Tina?"


"I was so afraid to talk to you because I had the hugest crush on you. I talked about you all the time to my friends and god the night you were with Cameron I texted you because I wanted you to think of me and not him. I hated seeing you guys together and the party almost tipped me off the edge. I was going to tell you the night you came over but then, there was an 'emergency' with Ella and so I didn't. Last night when Cameron asked you out gave me so much pain, I wanted that to me. God Em, I like you so much." 

I smiled up at him, I cupped his face in my hands and looked into his eyes once again. 

"I heard what Cameron said to you last night. That's not the kind of person I want to be with, I want to be with you." 

He smiled, he picked me up from the ground and twirled me around. 

"Karl, put me down!" I said laughing at him. 

"Never!" He ran into his house and dropped me onto the couch.

"Ow! Karl!" I said sitting up on the couch.

He jumped on top of me and wrapped his arms around me. 


"Do you have to be home?" He asked me. 

I looked down at the boy laying on me, "I can stay for awhile." 

"Or all night." He winked at me. 

"Fine" I said carrying out the e. 

He kissed me on the forehead before laying his head back onto my chest.

Finally, this felt right. 

a/n: you guys my olivia rodrigo phone case came today WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

also three chapters for you guys bc you're swag also i might be writing more so like lol but yeahhh. 

anyways, i love you weirdos :) stay swag. 

783 words

just friends || karl jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now