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a/n: chapter twenty?! swag <3 

"AND WE ARE LIVE!!! Hey chat!" I said sitting in my gaming chair. 

"Hi chat!" Tina spoke.

gals meetup!! yess! 

i see sapnap let emily back in her room

how was your birthday emily?

"My birthday was amazing! Karl surprised me with these wonderful ladies, and the guys I guess." 

"The guys don't really matter, we're the important ones." Brooke spoke. 

We all started laughing.

How long are you guys staying for?

"They're only here for two more days. It aches my heart that they're leaving me."

"Don't talk about it or else I'm going to cry!" Tina said.

"Aw Tina." Ella pulled Tina into a hug.

Is Ella close with them?

"Of course I am, I love all these girls." 

Ella's really pretty

Dream is so lucky

Ella should become a streamer

"Ella you should be a streamer. You love playing video games with me when it's just us." I said.

"You'd be good at it too." Niki said.

"You really think I should?" 

"Yes! Then we all could stream together! That would be so cool." I spoke.

"We'll see what happens."

Any unreleased photos of you guys?

We all looked at each other.

"There's so many." Niki said laughing.

"We took so many photos of all of us together. Not just us but with the guys too. Maybe one day you guys will see them." 

Where are the guys?

"Dream and Sapnap already left." Ella said with a sad tone.

"She misses her boyfriend." Tina said.

"Yeah, she's a simp." I said.

"Okay but so are you." 



her and karl would be goals tbh

are you and karl dating?

"No guys me and Karl are just friends."

don't keep asking them if they're dating, they are probably getting uncomfortable

"Actually, Karl and I don't mind you guys shipping us together. We're fine with fanart and edits of us, so everything's good." 

After streaming for another 2 hours just answering questions and messing around with the girls, we ended the stream. 

We all got sad for a moment, realizing we were all going to have to leave each other soon. Brooke back in LA, Tina in Vegas and Niki back in Britain, it was all so sad. 

The girls left to go home, leaving only me and Ella in my room. 

"Do you miss Dream?"

"Yeah, but I'm going to Florida for Christmas to spend time with him and his family so I'm very excited." 

"I'm so happy for you guys. Make sure to say hi to his mom for me, I miss her."

"I will I promise."

"So, what are you going to do about your dad?" Ella said.

I sighed, "Seeing his text after these pass 2 years and him asking if he could see me is just so crazy to me."

"Well, are you going to go and see him when you're out there?" 

"I don't know Ella. He didn't believe I could accomplish my dreams, and he didn't say one word to me last Christmas or the Christmas before that."

"What do you think I should do?"

"Maybe he's changed? I think you should talk to him. At least hear what he has to say."

"But I'm nervous..."


"Not only is it nerve racking having to see my dad but, Karl said he wanted to go with me to visit my family out in Boston."

"So? That's sweet."

"Of course it is but, Karl's a streamer like me! What if my dad doesn't like him just because of what he does?"

"Then your dad sucks. You and Karl we're made for each other, and nobody is going to break you guys apart Em. Everything will be alright."

I sighed, laying down on my bed.

"I think I'm gonna go to sleep now, I'm exhausted."

"Alright, just stop thinking about Boston and your dad right now. I love you Em." 

"I love you too Ella, goodnight." I said to Ella as she left my room.

But, I couldn't stop thinking about my dad. I just didn't want anything to ruin my relationship with Karl. I loved him so much and I'd been waiting for him for so long, loosing him would be the worst thing ever. 

I decided to call Karl since he always knew how to make me feel better, and I also wanted to hear his voice. 

I facetimed him and within seconds he answered. 

 "Hi m'lady, how was your stream?"

"It went well! I wish you could've been there though." 

"I know me too but, it's good you hung out with them before they leave."

"Yeah, you're right." 


"Are you alright Em?"

"I'm just nervous about Boston. That's why I called you actually, to get it off my mind."

"Oh well, what do you want to talk about?"

"Anything is fine. I just wanna hear your voice right now."

"Alright, I'll tell you about the time I got my first bike. So-"

Karl starting talking about his bike, then a lot of his childhood. 

I was so happy to learn more and more about him, it made me excited to hear all about him. What he liked, things he's done, his childhood, I loved it all.

I slowly began to fall asleep as Karl was talking about his trip to Houston when he was 7. I tried to stay up as long as I could but, I just couldn't stay awake anymore. 

Karl's POV

"And then my mom asked me if I-"

Halfway through me telling a story about a trip I took when I was 7, I heard a snore come from Emily, she had fallen asleep. 

I looked over at my phone and saw her face close to the camera, she looked so peaceful. 

"Goodnight Emily, I love you." I said before muting myself and falling asleep, not hanging up on her. 

a/n: filler chapter even tho it's kinda long lol 

i love you sm 

you are swag 

you are valid

byeee <3 :) 

948 words. 

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