twenty five

267 8 2

It had already been a week since Christmas Eve and me and Karl telling the world about us.

And thankfully, everyone loved it. Of course, there were those annoying people who hated the thought of Karl not being available to them anymore but me and Karl just ignored them. 

Once we got home we decided to just spend the most time together before we streamed because we knew people would be asking about us. 

Today though, Karl had stuff to do for Jimmy so it was just me today. 

I planned on relaxing today, just me and my dog, who i still haven't named yet...

Suddenly, my door bursted open. 

"Wake up Emily!" Ella said jumping on me.

"Ow Ella! Couldn't you have knocked?" I said pushing her off.

"When do I ever knock?" 


"You're right."

"Anyways, why are you sitting here all by yourself?"

"Because I want to."

"How come though?"

"I guess after hanging out with Karl so much I just need some time to myself."

"Okay well sorry to burst your bubble but, we're doing something today."

"Oh come on Ella please not today!" I groaned.

"Em, like you said you and Karl have been hanging out so much. And without Dream here, I'm basically a third wheel! We haven't had an us day in like, forever! Come on, please Em?" 

I thought about it for a second, I have been hanging out with Karl a bunch and not making enough time for Ella, it ached my heart thinking how alone she must feel. 

I sighed, "Okay I guess..."

"Yes! Alright, hurry up and get ready!" Ella hollered before exiting my room. 


Once me and Ella we're both ready, we said goodbye to my dog and headed out to the car.

"So, where are we going exactly?"

"First, we need coffee. Then, we're gonna head to the store to get a couple thing's for a picnic!" 

I smiled, it sounded pretty nice. 

"I was wondering why you brought a blanket." I said laughing. 

Ella chuckled, "Okay we're here, what do you want?" Ella said looking over at me. 


Me and Ella had our coffee and everything for the picnic so we headed to a park. 

We arrived at the park and set up our spot underneath a tree. 

"This is so adorable!" I spoke.

"Right? Here, let's take a photo for twitter to make everybody jealous." 

I chucked, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and snapped a photo. 




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caption: today was perfect <33

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caption: today was perfect <33

ellastewart: we're so hot.


dreamwastaken: vouch.


honkkarl: vouch.


emilydevora: on the alt?! 

Nihaachu: pretty gals 


emilydevora: no YOU! 

user1: she disappeared for a week and comes back not even addressing her and karl.


user2: she'll talk about it soon omg

user3: STUNNING! 

user4: emily we're all waiting on the tea about karl

user5: oh to look like this <3 :/

I scrolled through some comments and noticed a few talking about how I didn't address the me and Karl situation, I sighed.

Ella looked over at me with a worried look on her face, "What's wrong?"

"I disappeared for a week and didn't even tell them about me and Karl."

"Well Em, you guy's needed to spend time together before you did anything."

"I know but now they're all upset with me." 

"Em, they need to understand that you'll talk when your ready. Besides, this is your relationship, not theirs."

I knew Ella was right but, it still hurt that I didn't share how I felt about this boy to the people I cared about.

"Well at least you're here with me, I don't know what I'd do without you Ella." 

A small grin spread on Ella's face, it slowly faded as she looked down to get a strawberry.

"What's wrong with you?"

She looked back up at me, "Oh nothing Em. I'm glad you're here with me too, let's enjoy this together." 

I nodded, grabbing a strawberry as well.

Ella's POV

I was planning on telling Emily that I had decided to move in with Dream after New Years today but, after hearing her say she wouldn't know what to do without me, I panicked.

It's always been me and Emily, she took me in when my mom kicked me out, she held my hand through all those night's I cried myself to sleep, we wanted to escape from our problems together and that's exactly what we did, we did it together.

I couldn't imagine waking up every morning and not being able to see my best friend, we've been through so much together, it was going to be hard to tell her all about this. 

I decided I wouldn't tell her today, but I will tell her, just not right now...

a/n: why am i kinda tearing up this is so sad :/

809 words 

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