The Prisoner

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I was pulled into a mansion as I screamed. When Bellatrix lost grip of me, I tried to run, but she grabbed me as soon as she had let go.

Bellatrix grabbed me by the waist and carried me into the mansion.

When we got in a room, Bellatrix threw me to the ground. A cane stood in front of me. I looked up to see Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, towering over me.

"Black", Lucius Malfoy said.

"Oh, it's you", I said, unhappy. I got up and stepped away from Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix.


I turned around to see Draco. "Draco", I said. I ran towards him and hugged him.

I looked at Draco's expression. He looked sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, Iris", Draco said.

I heard Lucius chuckle. Lucius and Bellatrix grabbed me. Wait. Draco is working with them?

"Draco, no", I said.

Bellatrix laughed. "Did you really think he was your friend?" She asked.

"Draco, don't do this. You don't have to do this", I said.

"That's where you're wrong. I have to do this. Please don't make this worse, Iris. I don't want you to get hurt", Draco said.

Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix pulled me towards a room. Narcissa Malfoy and Draco followed behind us. When we got into the room, I saw Professor Snape.

"Professor?" I asked.

Snape is a Death Eater?

I looked over and saw Peter Pettigrew. I glared at him. "You", I growled. I tried to attack him, but Lucius and Bellatrix pulled me back.

"Irina Black", I heard a voice.

I looked towards the front of the room. A bald, noseless man walked towards us. He wore black robes. His skin was so pale, it was grey. A snake slithered beside him. I looked at the man.

"Voldemort", I said.

"Finally, we meet face-to-face", Voldemort said.

"What do you want with me?" I asked.

"I think you know what it is that I want. You are the only one who knows Harry Potter's whereabouts".

"And why would I tell you?" I asked.

"Because I can give you whatever you want. Power. Your mother, perhaps. You can have the family you always wanted, Irina", Voldemort said.

"Would the great Lord Voldemort really bring back one of his enemies for a 16 year old girl? If you believe I'm dumb, you're wrong", I said.

"No, of course you're not", Voldemort said as he puts an arm around me. "I've watched you for years. You're a smart and powerful witch, Black, with a powerful future. Together, you and I are unstoppable. You can have the power to bring back whoever you want".

"I do want my mom back. To get to know her, to have her in my life", I said. "But I'm not like you. I'll never be like you". I pushed Voldemort away from me. "I'll never join you. And believe me, my mom wouldn't want me to make a deal with the likes of you".

Voldemort pointed his wand at me. I didn't flinch.

"You need me. You need me more than I need you", I said.

Voldemort puts away his wand. "Bellatrix. Provoke her", he said.

I felt a sudden shock of pain. Bellatrix pushed me to the ground. She flipped me onto my back and put her fingers around my neck.

"Where are they?" Bellatrix asked.

"I don't know", I lied.

"Show her what happens when she lies", Lucius Malfoy says.

Bellatrix's wand touches my arm. I felt excruciatingly pain. I screamed in pain.

At first, it felt like a dog bite or a cat scratch, but then it felt like my insides and outsides were on fire. From my head to my feet, it felt like I was actually about to explode.

"Where are they?!" Bellatrix shouted.

"I don't know", I sobbed. Usually, I was a good liar, but my deranged cousin could see through me.

"Alright then", Bellatrix said. She grabbed my arm.

"No! NO!" I screamed as I struggled. Bellatrix used the Cruciatus curse on me. I screamed in pain. Bellatrix cackled.

It was like I was screaming at the top of my lungs, but no one heard a thing.

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