Attempting an Escape

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It's been weeks. Almost one, maybe two months. I sat in my cell at Malfoy Manor, ready to launch my escape plan. Bellatrix, Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy walked down the stairs.

"Torture time", Bellatrix says. I glared at her. She opened the door to my cell. Her, Lucius and Narcissa came into the cell. Perfect.

I smashed a Darkness powder crystal on the ground. A black fog quickly filled the place. I ran out of my cell.

I ran up the stairs. When I got up the stairs, I saw Peter Pettigrew. I punched him in the face. He fell  to the ground, unconscious.

"That's for betraying my parents", I said. I ran towards a doorway. As I walked through it, a hand grabbed me.

Snape was standing by the doorway. He looked at me. "Get back here!" I heard Bellatrix shouting. My heart felt like it had sank. I looked at Snape.

Snape let go of me. "Go", he said. I was shocked, but I didn't ask questions. I ran towards the front door.

When I got to the front door, I saw Death Eaters guarding it. I ran up a flight of stairs before they could see me.

As I was running up the stairs, I saw Draco. He stood in front of me. "Irina, I don't want to fight you", Draco said.

"Me neither", I said. So I put my foot on the railing and kicked off. I grabbed onto the railing above. I climbed onto the stairs and continued running.

I ran as fast as I could, wondering how long the stairs were. I heard a snarling sound behind me so I ran faster.

I opened a door and found myself on a rooftop. I quickly closed the door and ran through the rooftop, finding a way to get down.

Suddenly, I was tackled to the ground. Fenrir Greyback tried to bite me. I grabbed a Fainting Fancy and shoved it into his mouth.

He went out cold. His body dropped on top of mine. I pushed him off of me. I stood up and climbed onto one of the conicals on the roof.


I turned around to see Narcissa, Bellatrix and Lucius on the roof with their wands. I climbed higher.

"Get back here so I can torture you", Bellatrix shouted in anger.

I looked at them. "You can't kill me!" I called out. "You need me. Without me, you can't find Harry Potter".

"But it won't be hard to find...Luna Lovegood", Lucius said.

I went silent. How did he know about Luna? I mean, she was with us at the Department of Mysteries, but I didn't believe he'd remember her.

"Or Ginny Weasley", Lucius said.

"I swear on my life, if you hurt her-"

"You'll what? You'll kill me? You can't kill me, Miss Black, if you commit suicide", Lucius Malfoy says. He looked at Bellatrix. "Let's go find Luna Lovegood".

"Wait!" I shouted. Bellatrix and Lucius looked at me. "I will give up if you swear you won't hurt Luna or Ginny".

Lucius Malfoy nodded. I slid down the conial roof. Lucius Malfoy harshly grabbed my arm and dragged me inside.

When we walked down the stairs, Draco and Snape were standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"You. Why didn't you stop her?" Lucius asked Snape.

"How could I have stopped her if I didn't see her?" Snape asked.

Why would Snape lie to them? Hang on. He's apart of the Order, but now he's with the Death Eaters. He let me go, but now he says he didn't see me.

Snape is a double agent for the Order.

"Can I torture her now?" Bellatrix asked impatiently.

"Not now, Lestrange", Snape said.

"I don't take orders from you", Bellatrix said as she walked towards him. She pointed her wand at Snape.

"Bella", Narcissa said. That's the first time I heard her speak.

I had this feeling about Narcissa. That she wasn't really evil deep down inside and she just wanted this nightmare to end.

Bellatrix stepped away from Snape. Snape and Lucius glared at each other.

"You cared for the girl's mother. You must care for her-"

"I do not", Snape said, interrupting Lucius.

"Oh really?" Lucius asked. Lucius looked at Bellatrix. "Begin the torture then".

Bellatrix smiled. Bellatrix pulled me into a room. She pushed me onto a couch. She grabbed my arm.

"No! No!" I screamed, already sobbing.

It looked like Bellatrix was biting my wrist, but I could tell she was using the Cruciatus curse.

I screamed in pain as Bellatrix cackled. "Help me!" I sobbed. I begged Snape for help. "Please! Help me!"

Bellatrix stopped and looked at Snape. "Oh, Severus, Severus. Help me please", Bellatrix taunted.

Snape didn't say anything. Bellatrix grabbed me. She turned me around to face Snape and she held a knife to my neck. I trembled softly.

"Please", I said, almost in a whisper.

"If you kill her now, Voldemort will not forgive you. She is needed until she can tell us Potter's whereabouts. Until then, continue your torturing", Snape said.

Bellatrix smiled. She pushed me back onto the couch. She grabbed my arm and gave me excruciating pain.

I screamed in pain. I screamed at the top of my lungs and sobbed.

Draco walked towards us. Bellatrix looked at him. My eyes were filled with tears.

"Do you want to help her?" Bellatrix asked.

"Draco, please help me. I want this nightmare to end. Please", I said. Bellatrix slapped me in the face. I grunted in pain.

Bellatrix looked at Draco. "You don't have to help her", She told Draco. "She's not your friend".

"Don't listen to her. I am your-"

Bellatrix slapped me again. I grunted in pain. "Run along", Bellatrix says to Draco.

Draco slowly took a step back. "Draco. Draco!" I shouted. Bellatrix puts her hand on my face, pinning my to the couch. She grabbed my arm and used her favorite spell again.

I screamed in pain and sobbed, wishing for this moment to end.


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