19 years later

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19 years later

I woke up in the garden after a full moon night. I felt a blanket being wrapped around me. I looked at my husband.

"Neville", I said. We kissed each other. "Did I hurt anyone?"

"No. The potion worked", Neville said. I sighed in relief. I kissed him.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, I went back to Hogwarts to finish my 5th, 6th and 7th year. Two years later, the shy nerd I fell in love with, proposed.

Of course, I said yes.

After I got dressed, I walked into a room.

The baby was awake

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The baby was awake. I kissed her head. I took her out of the crib. The baby coos.

"I have to meet with the rest of the Auror crew, but before that, we are going to King's Cross and you're going to see the Hogwarts Express. Isn't that exciting?" I asked. The baby coos. "And you get to see your uncle Harry and aunt Ginny. And Ron and Hermione".

The baby coos happily. I laughed. I walked downstairs with the baby. My father sat at the table in the kitchen, reading a newspaper.

"Good morning, Dad", I said.

"Good morning, Irina", Sirius said. He looked at the baby. "Good morning Harley".

Harley Alice Black, my youngest child and born 6 months ago. Named after me and Neville's mothers.

I gave the baby to Sirius. My other two children ran into the room. A boy and a girl.

"Good morning, Mum", My daughter said.

"Good morning", I said. "Make sure you're all packed. The train leaves in less than 2 hours".

Neville came into the room with a suit on. He was nervous about his job as the new Herbology teacher at Hogwarts.

"You look handsome", I said.

"Thanks. You look handsome too", Neville said.

My son and my daughter snorted with laughter.


Me, Neville and our three kids arrived at King's Cross station. My oldest daughter was going to her first year of Hogwarts.

We walked through the wall that took us to the train of Platforms 9¾. We searched for, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and their kids.

"Ooh. There they are!" I shouted. We walked towards Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny.

Harry and Ginny's daughter, Lily Luna Potter, ran towards us. She hugged my oldest daughter. They were close. They reminded me of Ginny and myself.

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