Like Godfather, like Goddaughter

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Tonight was the first full moon since we arrived here at the Weasley Family's beach house.

I sat beside Remus and Tonks, who was pregnant with Remus's child.

(Irina's outfit 👇👇)

Sirius finally arrived

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Sirius finally arrived.

"I found two bottle of wolfsbane potion in Irina's room. Over at Grimmaulds place. They're the last ones, Remus. We'll have to make another potion somehow", Sirius said.

"Maybe I can find a book on Wolfsbane potion", I said.

"It's difficult to find, Irina", Remus said.

"I'll try to find it. There must be something. I think I've seen it in one of my books", I said.

As Remus cooked lunch, I was reading my books, searching for a way to make a Wolfsbane potion. Dad had left earlier to prepare my room at Grimmaulds place and to make sure it was secure and protected.

I could smell the fresh seawater as I was reading my books which I found strange. My smelling wasn't that good. And neither was my hearing, but I could still hear the wind blowing.

"Iris, are you alright?" Remus asked.

"It's too loud", I said softly.

"I'm sorry. What was that?" Remus asked, leaning a little closer to me.

I'm alright", I lied.

"Remus!" Tonks called out in the other room. Remus ran into the other room. I heard my stomach growling. I stopped reading and opened the fridge. I pulled out a package of raw meat. (I know raw meat is stored in the freezer, but just go with it)

I grabbed one of the pieces. I bit into the piece of meat. I pulled on it with my teeth until it finally ripped apart. I chewed the raw piece of meat.

Since after my attempt to escape Malfoy Manor, my teeth had gotten sharper and sharper every day.

I stopped and realized what I was doing. I dropped the meat into the packaging with the rest of the meat. weirdly tastes good.

I grabbed the piece of meat and like a savage animal, I devoured it. I put a finger in my mouth, sucked on them and pulled them out of my mouth. I grabbed another piece of meat and devoured it too.

It was so good. I wanted to stop myself, but I couldn't. I felt as if I were compelled to eat this.

Suddenly, I was pulled away from the meat. There was only a half of a piece left. I knocked into the fridge. Sirius had grabbed my arm.

Remus inspects the piece of severed meat on the counter.

"Irina. What have you done?" Sirius asked.

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