You don't know what I'm capable of

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I was sitting in a cell in the dungeon of Malfoy's Manor. I had changed out of my dress from the wedding.

 I had changed out of my dress from the wedding

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I heard someone coming down the stairs. I turned around to see Draco walking towards my cell.

"Please don't do this", I said.

"Don't you get it? I have to do this", Draco said.

"No. No, you don't", I said.

"I have to, Iris. Or he's going to kill me".

"No. I won't let him", I said.

"Don't me a fool, Iris. You're no match for him".

"You don't know what I'm capable of".

"Why would you want to help me?"

"Because...Because you're my friend, Draco. You're my friend and I know that there is good in you", I said.

"There's no good in me", Draco said.

"Everybody has both light and dark. They can't choose what side you act on. Only you can. And I can see that deep down inside, you don't want to do this", I said.

"You're right, Iris. You are my friend and I don't want to do this. But if I don't, people will get hurt. And so will you if you're not careful. I won't let you get hurt", Draco said.

"People are already dying!" I shouted. "And was torture not painful enough to realize that you're on the wrong side?"


"No, Draco! Please help me escape. Please. If you really are my friend, prove it", I said.

Draco looks at the ground sadly. "I'm trying to keep you safe from what's out there. I don't like it either, but at least we're not dead", Draco said. He walked upstairs, leaving me alone in the cold, dark dungeon.

I closed my eyes and a memory played. One of my memories that took place after my first year at Hogwarts.

I walked into a room to see my father, Sirius Black, looking at himself in a mirror. He was wearing his robes. The ones he wore during our first meeting in the Shrieking Shack.

In the mirror, I saw something about my father that I didn't notice before.

"What's that on your chest?" I asked.

He turned around to look at me. "Irina", Sirius said. "Good morning".

I walked towards him. I opened the top part of his robes a little bit. I saw tattoos.

"These are a lot of tattoos", I said in fascination. "What sort of tattoo do you think I could get?"

"None, hopefully", Sirius said.

"I...I know what these mean. What most of them mean, I guess", I said. I touched the one on his breastbone. "This one is a symbol of a grey wolf. And this one". I pointed to the one on the top right of his chest. "This one means...suffering". I touched the one on his navel. "This one is supposed to mean life, but it's upside down, meaning death".

I went from fascinated to sad. "You went through a lot in Azkaban", I said.

"But I suffer no more now that I'm with you and Remus", Dad says. He closed up his robes. "I know this isn't how you wanted things to be, but we will figure it out and we'll do it together".

I wanted to see him right now. I can't help, but think he'll never find me.


At the Ministry of Magic, Sirius was in his disguise. He walked through the Ministry, searching for a Death Eater.

He found Pius Thicknesse. Sirius grabbed him and threw him into a room. Sirius walked into the room. He closed the door and locked it.

"Sirius Black?" Pius asked.

"Where is she?" Sirius asked.

"Who?" Pius asked.

"You know who", Sirius said.

"I don't know where Voldemort is", Pius said.

"No. That's not what I meant. I mean you know who I speak of. Where is my daughter, Irina?" Sirius asked. Pius didn't answer. "So you do know".

Pius tried to run. "Colloportus", Sirius said. Pius tried to open the door, but it didn't open. Sirius grabbed him and pushed him into the wall. Sirius takes out his wand.

"Where does the Dark Lord have her?" Sirius asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about", Pius lied.

"Legilimens", Sirius said. He searched Pius Thicknesse's memories. "Where is Malfoy Manor?"

"I don't know. I swear I don't know", Pius said.

Sirius pointed his wand towards the door. "Alohomora", he said before he apparated, teleporting back to Grimmaulds Place.


Sirius walked into the kitchen at Grimmaulds place. Remus stood in the kitchen.

"Remus", Sirius said.

"I'm helping you find Iris", Remus said.

"You can't just leave your wife, Remus", Sirius said.

"Well I can't do nothing whilst Irina is held captive", Remus said. "I'm helping you find her. End of discussion. Now, where is she?"

"She's at the Malfoy's Manor. Don't suppose you know where that is".

"I do, actually", Remus said. "We must get there". Remus ran out of the room. Sirius followed him.

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