Battle of Hogwarts Pt.1

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When I had finished explaining why me and my father have arrived here at Hogwarts, the golden trio, Harry, Ron and Hermione, had came. Harry and Ginny had an awkward reunion of their own.

Me and Dumbledore's army joined the Order, Harry, Ron and Hermione in the Great hall, where we confronted Snape. (Me being too lazy to write what happened. Sorry guys. 😂)

With the Professors and more of Hogwarts students on our side, we had to prepare for battle.

I looked out the window. The protection spell that Professor Mcgonagall put up was working. Voldemort and an army of Death Eaters were outside, shooting sparks of energy, but it hit the barrier instead of the castle.

Sirius walked towards me. "It's going to be a long night", I said.

"We just need to give Harry enough time to destroy the remaining Horcruxes", Sirius said.

Give my Godbrother some more time, fight a battle, don't die.


I walked towards Remus and Kingsley Shacklebolt. "Who said that?" Kingsley asked Remus.

"Me", Remus said.

Tonks ran towards Remus. Remus looked at her. They hugged each other. "You shouldn't have", Remus said. "It's Teddy who needs you".

Last month, the couple had their baby boy. They named him Teddy.

"He'll sleep till dawn and snore like his father", Tonks said. "It's you that needs me tonight".

I smiled at them. I walked towards the twins. I was about to ask them how they were feeling. I stopped and heard one of them say, "You okay, Freddie?"

"Yeah", Fred said.

"Me too", George said.

I smiled at them. Instead of walking towards them, I walked away from them to let them have this moment together.

It was a possibility that this may be their last time together before one of them...before...I think you get it.

I walked through the castle and found Ginny. I stood next to her. We both looked outside.

Ginny looked at me. "You okay?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah", I said.

We grabbed each other's hand. What if...this is our last time together? Me and Ginny have been through a lot together. We're like sisters.

"I love you", I said.

"I love you too", Ginny said.

We looked outside. The barrier was holding...for now, but it looked like it was trying to break.


I stood with Ginny, Seamus, Cho and one of the Patil twins. Maya walked towards us.

"Maya", I said. I gave her the locket.

"That's my mom's. How did you get that?" Maya asked. I didn't say anything. Maya got her answer. "I wouldn't be who I am today. Without you both. I know she didn't die in vein".

"No, she didn't", I said.

I heard battle cries. I saw Neville running towards us. Death Eaters followed him. The bridge they were standing on collapsed behind them. The Death Eaters fell with the bridge. Then, Neville fell with them.

"Neville!" Me and Ginny shouted.

My heart sank. "No", I said softly. No. He's not dead. He can't be dead. I refuse to believe it.

A hand grabbed onto the bridge. Their wand fell to the ground. Me and Ginny walked closer to the person.

Neville pulled himself onto the bridge.  I sighed in relief. "That went well", Neville said. Ginny helped him up.

I started to get this uneasy feeling that something wasn't right. I ran through the castle. I found Sirius.

"Dad", I said.

"Irina, what is it?" Sirius asked.

"Something's not right. Can you please find Remus?" I asked. Sirius nodded and ran away to find Remus.

I ran through the castle. I had my wand in my hand. I found Tonks battling Bellatrix.

"Tonks", I said. I ran towards her.

"Avada Kedevra!" Bellatrix shouted, pointing her wand at Tonks.

"Protego!" I shouted. A shield protected both me and Tonks.

The three of us had our wands out. Me and Tonks glared at Bellatrix. Bellatrix smirked. This was a duel. A duel to the death.

Three girls from the House of Black.

Blasts of energy were fired. Bellatrix has killed so many people. I must figure out how Tonks and I can escape with our lives.

"Isn't this sweet? Two little girls ready to die", Bellatrix said.

"We're not little girls", I said. "And we're not going to die". Bellatrix cackled. I glared at her.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I shouted.

Bellatrix's arms snapped to her side and that smile of hers was wiped off her face. She fell to the ground.

"I have to find Remus", Tonks said.

"Be careful", I said.

Tonks nodded and ran away to find Remus. I turned around to see a Hufflepuff girl and a Ravenclaw boy. They kissed each other.

"I love you", the girl said.

"I love you too", the boy replied.

Now might be...the only chance I get to...I have to find Neville.

I ran through the castle, running as fast as I could. I had to run towards the Great hall to finally find Neville.

"Irina! There's something I have to tell you", he said.

Before he could finish, I kissed him. There was an explosion behind me. A few students ran past us.

After our kiss, I looked at Neville. "I love you too", I said. We smiled at each other. "Now go be a hero".

We ran our separate ways. I glanced back before I continued onward. I wanted to turn around and join him. I didn't want this to be our last time together.

I hope Harry is almost done destroying the Horcruxes.

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