Battle of Hogwarts Pt.2

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I fought alongside Ginny, Seamus and Cho. Then, I joined Sirius, Remus and Tonks. The four of us fought like a family and despite everything that was happening, I enjoyed fighting together.

I ran into the courtyard. I looked around. Everything was chaotic. A giant who was fighting with the Death Eaters looked at me.

I ran as it swung it's weapon at me. I ran towards the entrance to see Dementors coming our way. Me, Ginny, Cho, Seamus and some other members of Dumbledore's army stood beside me. Harry, Ron and Hermione stood in front of us.

A man, who looked like he could have been related to Dumbledore, conjured a patronus, scaring off the Dementor.

I turned around to see a body. It looked familiar. I ran towards the person. It was Lavender.

"No!" I shouted. I checked for a pulse. Nothing.

Lavender Brown wasn't perfect, but I couldn't help but think she was misunderstood. She wanted a guy who loved her for who she was. There was no crime in that. She deserved someone who cared about her.

I turned around to see Death Eaters walking towards me. I looked at Lavender's dead body. Her eyes were open.

I looked up from her body. There was anger in my eyes. I gritted my teeth. I turned around, pointed my wand at the Death Eaters and...

"REDUCTO!" I screamed. The Death Eaters that walked towards me exploded into dust. The spell, it continued to kill Death Eater after Death Eater until half of the Death Eaters in the Courtyard were dead.

I picked up Lavender's body, bridal like. I carried her into the castle. Sirius and Remus ran towards me.

"Irina", Sirius said.

"Lavender Brown is dead", I said. "Get her to the Great Hall". I gave the lifeless body to Sirius. He carried her to the Great hall.


I walked towards Fred. When I saw him alone, I ran towards him. "Sunshine. Have you seen George?" He asked.

"No", I said. That made me a little worried. "Fred, we'll find him, okay?"

Fred nodded.

My hearing had amped up. I heard someone say a spell.


It all happened so fast.

"Stupefy!" I shouted, pointing my wand at Fred.

Fred went flying backwards just in time when the person outside finished their spell. "...Maxima!" Then...


I woke up. My eyes were barely open. Blood trickled down the side of my face. I moaned softly.

"Iris!" Fred shouted. He ran towards me. I rolled onto my back. I looked at my stomach to see blood spreading through my chest.

George ran towards us. "No", he said.

"Fred. George", I said. I was on the verge of crying. "I don't want to die".

I always said that I wasn't afraid to die, but now that I was this closer to death, I was scared.

"We won't let you", George said.

"Iris, you should have let it hit me", Fred said.

"No. You two...should never be separated. You're twins. Brothers. Besides, I couldn't let one of you die. You were there for me...when...I first arrived", I said. I started crying on the last sentence. Memories appeared in my mind as I spoke. "The Weasley twins, who ask me if I was ready for my first day".

"Ready for your first day, Iris?"

"I guess".

"You guess? Not a very positive answer, now, is it, George?"

"No, Fred".

"...who made sure I was on time for class. Even if they had to prank me..."


"'re late..."

"...for class".

"5 minutes actually".

"...who wanted to get revenge on anyone who hurt me..."

"Then, we'll give her our chocolates".

Which are cursed to make someone's tongue swell or make their face droopy like a sack of pudding.

"Yeah, no one messes with our, Iris".

"...who called me Sunshine".

We heard footsteps run towards us. "Help her", the twins said in union.

Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, Sirius and Remus ran towards us.

"Irina", Sirius said.

"Remus, help me stop the bleeding", Mrs. Weasley said as she knelt next to me.

Mrs. Weasley puts pressure on my wound. I started feeling light headed.

"I don't want to go. Don't let me die", I said.

"We won't, Iris. Stay awake, alright? We're going to get you to Madame Pomfrey", Remus said.

"We ought to get there quickly if we are to save her life", Mr. Weasley said.

Fred lifted me off the ground. We were in a rush to get to the Great Hall.

When we got there, Fred laid me on the ground. Madame Pomfrey ran towards me and tended to my wound.

I looked over and saw a dead body. I recognized her.

"Maya", I said softly.

Maya laid on the ground. Her eyes were closed. She looked peaceful.

Neville, Ron, Hermione and Ginny ran towards us. Harry looked around at the dead bodies and injured people.

"Irina", Hermione said.

"Will she be alright?" Neville asked.

"She'll be fine. She'll survive", Madame Pomfrey said. "You were very lucky, Miss Black".

She walked away. I looked at Maya. I remember seeing a sad 1st year in the hall. Now, the 3rd year student laid dead, but I know that she can be with her mother.

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