The Lullaby

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The next day, I was out of bed. I sat in front of a piano. There was a sheet of music on the piano. I've never learned so hopefully I'm good.

I put my fingers on the keys. Before I could play the piano, I turned around to see Sirius standing behind me.

"Sorry. Don't let me stop you", Sirius said.

"It's alright. I've never played piano before. Do you know this song?" I asked.

"I do", Sirius said. He sat next to me. "Your mother played this for Lily before me and Lily finished our 6th year at Hogwarts".

"Can you play it?" I asked.

"Me? I could try, perhaps", Sirius said. He puts his fingers on the keys. He played a tune and I had listened. I heard the vocalizing of a woman as memories came crashing.

I saw Harley playing the piano. Lily sat beside her. James and Sirius stood by the piano. Remus sat on the couch in the Gryffindor common room, looked at his friends. Peter walked towards them.

I was back in the present, but I still heard the women's voice. Remus walked towards me and Sirius. I smiled as I listened to the Evans sisters' lullaby.

It was the most beautiful thing I ever heard. It's been years since I heard a piano playing.

The song made me feel the Death of Harley and Lily Evans. The sad reactions from their lovers, the protective feeling for their children.

The song was calm, Lovely and beautiful, but sad and tragic.

Sirius looked at me after he had finished. He kissed my head.


Later, as my father and Remus was making breakfast, I asked Sirius, "What were your parents like? My grandparents, I mean".

"Well..." Sirius started. He glanced at Remus and looked back at me. "Your grandparents were obsessed with giving me a Pureblood girlfriend. Irina, the thing about our family is we were one of the Sacred Twenty Eight, a group of Pureblood families".

"What happens if you don't marry a Pureblood?" I asked.

"Then, you are disowned from the family", Sirius said. I looked at him, horrified. "I know. It's awful. Our family was cruel, especially my parents".

"So you ran away", I said.

"Yes", Sirius said. "And when your mother and I had you, I promised myself I wouldn't treat you the way my parents treated me".

"Were you abused?" I asked.

"I was, yes. And I was hated at home. Hogwarts and James's home was my home. So I ran away", Sirius explained. I looked at him sadly.

"Alright, Sirius. That's enough. You don't want to upset her", Remus said. "Let's eat then".

The three of us sat at the table. As I ate, the song from earlier played in my head.

After breakfast, I sat in front of the piano and learned the song. I hummed the first part as I played.

I heard a low thunder outside as I played the song. I saw more memories.

Lily laying in the grass with Snape.

Harley chasing after Sirius. She finally caught up to him and they both fell to the ground. They laughed before they kissed each other.

I was back in the beach house, playing the piano, halfway through the song.

Sirius walked into the room and sat next to me. Remus had left earlier to visit Tonks at her parents house. So it was just me and Dad.

I hummed as I ended the song. And when it was finished, me and Sirius smiled at each other.

"That was beautiful, Iris", he said.

That night, as I dreamed, I had another nightmare.

Bellatrix Lestrange bites my arm and Fenrir Greyback bites my neck as I screamed.

Bellatrix cackled. On the other side of the room, Lucius, Narcissa and Draco watched. Draco's eyes were still black and there were black veins around his eyes.

When I thought all hope was lost, I heard the vocalizing of the lullaby. Me and two female voices hummed the tune of the lullaby.

Fenrir and Bellatrix turned to dust. Draco's eyes went back to normal and the black veins disappeared. Lucius and Narcissa disappeared.

I woke up the next morning, feeling like I had defeated the darkness. Now nightmares go away. I looked at the clock. 8am. That's the time I usually wake up.

But I decided to close my eyes and fall back to sleep.

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