They rest

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"There's one last Horcrux. Neville has the sword. He'll kill the snake. Then, Harry kills Voldemort. In the meantime, we deal with the Death Eaters. Every last one of them", I said. "Our friends did not die in vein!"

Dumbledore's army and the remaining of the Order of the Phoenix nodded.

Everyone ran their separate ways to finish the battle. I looked outside to see Narsissa and Draco walking away from the castle. Lucius ran after them, following them.

I ignored them. We don't need the Malfoys. We don't need Lucius or Narcissa. Or...Draco. We don't need Draco, but...I do.

As of today, Voldemort will die and there will finally be peace.

The thought made a memory come in.

Harley sitting at the table, reading a book of Greek Mythology. She heard a quickened panting noise.

She looks towards the door to see a black dog. "Padfoot", Harley said. Padfoot turned into a human.

"Join me. I want to show you something", Sirius said.

Harley stands up and followed Sirius into a room. She looks at the wall.

"Is this your family?" Harley asked.

"Yes", Sirius said.

Harley looked at Bellatrix and Narcissa on the family tree. "They had a sister", Harley said.

"Andromeda. Her and I were close growing up. We were friends. She married Ted Tonks, who was not a Pureblood", Sirius said.

"Her picture burnt, it's burnt", Harley said. She sounded worried. Sirius smiled sadly.

He pointed at a burnt picture. The name plague said, "Sirius Black".

"After I ran away, my mother did that. It means you are disowned from the family. If you are a squib or if you're not married to a Pureblood or if you betray the family, this is what happens to you on the family tree", Sirius explained.

Harley looked at him sadly. She grabbed his hand. "That sounds awful", Harley said. Sirius looks away from the family tree and turned to Harley.

"I am the last heir of the House of Black, Harley. My family is cruel. I want to change that. I don't want our daughter to grow up in a Pureblood mania home, I don't want her to grow up like I did. To be abused, mistreated. I don't want that for her", Sirius said. "I want her to grow up with a loving family and I want to change things for this family and for our family's next generations".

"You, me, Remus and the baby under one roof. It sounds chaotic. But it sounds like a beautiful life", Harley said. Harley and Sirius kissed.

I was back at Hogwarts. To me, it felt like I had zoned out for a minute, but really, it was a few seconds.

I ran into the Great hall where there was a battle. I saw Neville on the ground.

"Neville!" I shouted. I ran towards him. "Come on, wake up. Wake up!"

Neville woke up. He sat up and looked at the sword. Me and Neville looked at each other.

"Neville", I said. He kisses me.

After our kiss, he says, "I love you too". I smiled at him.

"Go be a hero", I said.

Neville got up. He grabbed the sword and ran out of the room.


I looked at Bellatrix. I walked towards her with a glare and a tight grip on my wand.

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