The Start of a Rescue Mission

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Sirius, Remus and Tonks appeared at a house on, what looked like a island. "Are you alright?" Remus asked Tonks. Tonks nodded.

Sirius sat on the couch and laid his head in sadness. Tonks walked over to him and sat next to him.

"We'll bring her back", Tonks said.

All of the Weasleys except for Ron appeared. Sirius, Remus and Tonks ran towards them.

"Are you alright, Molly?" Sirius asked.

"I'm alright", Mrs. Weasley said.

"Where's Iris?" Ginny asked.

Sirius and Remus looked at each other. They looked at the Weasleys. "During the attack, Bellatrix grabbed her. She said they had what they came for. The Death Eaters have her", Sirius said.

Fred comforts Ginny, who tried to not cry. Mrs. Weasley looked shocked, but also sad.

"They've got Sunshine?" George asked.

"Well we need to get her back", Fred finished George's sentence.

"Sirius", Mr. Weasley said.

"I'm going to go find her", Sirius said. He walked out of the house. Remus, Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley followed him.

"You don't know where to look", Mr. Weasley said.

"Maybe not, but I know where to start".

"You can't go by yourself, Sirius", Remus said. "Let me come with you".

"No. You must stay with Tonks. And you both must stay with your children. Me, I must save my child".

"Sirius, I understand that she is your daughter, but the Ministry is crawling with Death Eaters, Hogwarts has been overrun by them and the streets are filled with Death Eaters and Dark Creatures. You mustn't go alone", Mr. Weasley said.

"This is my daughter we're talking about. I can't just stay here. Who knows what they are doing to her. I will not loose her like I lost Harley", Sirius said.

"Sirius", Mrs. Weasley said as Sirius walked away from them. Then, he apparated to the Starting point of his Rescue mission.


Sirius Black started his search for Iris Black when he got to Grimmaulds place. He walked towards a fireplace.

"Kreacher!" Sirius shouted.

Kreacher walked into the room. "Yes, master?" He asked.

"Kreacher. The Death Eaters have her. They have Iris", Sirius said. Kreacher looked surprised. Almost as if he cared. "I know you cared about Harley. So help me save her daughter. Me and Harley's daughter".

"What must Kreacher do, master?" Kreacher asked.

"Hand me a disguise. I must sneak into the Ministry at once", Sirius said. Kreacher walked away to grab a disguise.

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