Nightmare of Malfoy Manor

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That night, I had a nightmare.

I was back at Malfoy Manor, behind bars. I heard someone walking down the stairs.

"Ready for torture, Irina Black?" Bellatrix asked.

Next thing I know, Fenrir Greyback was biting my neck. I was screaming for help. I heard Bellatrix's cackling.

I saw Draco standing in the shadows. "Draco. Help me please", I begged. When Draco came out of the shadows, his eyes were black and there were black veins around his eyes.

I felt a hand grab my left arm. I was used to that feeling and then a feeling of pain.

I screamed as I tried to pulled away.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I shouted. I started screaming. "Help! Help me! HELP! Please make it stop. Make it stop please".

I heard Remus's voice call my name. I opened my eyes and gasped. "It's alright. It's just a dream", Remus said. I breathed, trembling. "I'll go get a piece of chocolate from the kitchen". Remus walked out of the room.

I looked at the wall. I felt a hand grab my arm. I gasped and pulled my arm away. I turned around only to see it was my Dad.

"It's alright. I won't hurt you. It's just me", he said. "You're going through trauma, Iris".

"I'm fine", I lied.

"Irina. You will have to miss a year at Hogwarts if you are to get better and we must keep you away from the Death Eaters", Sirius said.

"I want this nightmare to end. I always imagine Bellatrix's cold hand grab my arm and then a pain shooting through my body", I said.

"It's over. You're safe. We just need you to get better", Sirius said.

"Draco's with them, Dad. He feels like he has no choice. We have to help him. He's my friend", I said.

"I remember a time when you said you would never be his friend".

"I was wrong. You said there's both good and bad in everyone. I could tell he feels like he has no choice, but it isn't true. We must help him", I said.

"Iris, only he and he himself can help him. There's nothing we can do", Sirius said.

"What? No", I said. "I have to help him. I have to save him".

"He can save himself, but for now, you must be taken care of. You went through a traumatic experience. If you want to help him, we must make sure you're feeling better", Sirius said.

Remus came into the room and gave me a piece of chocolate. "Thank you", I said.

"Iris, you should go back to sleep", Remus said.

"I don't want to fall asleep. I don't want to face that nightmare again", I said.

"Your father and I will wake you up if you have a nightmare", Remus said.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt a hand grab mine, but I didn't open my eyes to see who it was.

Nightmares haunt me. But how can I fight back? How do I stop this trauma?

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